Healthy Blood Through Fasting: Conclusion

glasses-933582_1920This post concludes our study, Healthy Blood Through Fasting. It is the second part in the series: Living Under God’s Design: Seven Biblical Principles.  The overarching premise of the study teaches that when the blood is healthy, the body is healthy. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Fasting is one method of ensuring healthy blood. Here is a recap of what we have shared concerning fasting.

Principle #2: Healthy Blood Through Fasting

  • Introduction to Fasting: Here we introduced and defined fasting, noting that it has been practiced from ancient times, though it has lost popularity in the modern church. While fasting has its primary roots in religious applications, fasting can have amazing results in improving the health of the blood, which results in the improved health of the body: the life of the flesh is in the blood.
  • Survey of Fasting in the Bible: Here we surveyed what the Bible says about fasting, noting the following: the reasons for fasting; the individuals and groups who participated in fasting; fasting in the Church; effects of fasting; and lengths of fasting. We noted that while fasting is a necessary “spiritual” discipline, it also  has physical benefits on the body. We also evaluated that fasting in the Scripture is voluntary and not explicitly commanded, and yet God assumes that His people will fast from time to time as the occasion dictates.
  • Preparing the Mind for the Fast: Here we saw that fasting, like other disciplines, takes work. We presented a case that understanding the achievable benefits (both physical and spiritual) of fasting might prepare us to incorporate this ancient ritual into our lifestyle. We reap what we sow – a basic biblical principle. Sowing takes work. The more we sow the seeds of fasting into our lifestyle, the greater the spiritual and physical blessings.
  • Why Fasting is Needed – Part One: Here we discussed the physiology of how nutrition is distributed in the body through our blood, discussing the importance a healthy digestive system. A poor or overworked digestive system leads to many kinds of health problems including: constipation, irregular and incomplete bowel movements, IBS, spastic colon, colitis, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis, diarrhea, polyps, gas, bloating, cramping, acid reflux, nausea, stomach ache, heartburn, halitosis, and more. Regular fasting can heal the digestive glands, allowing the body to heal itself of many of these digestive issues.
  • Why Fasting is Needed – Part Two: Here we saw that fasting was necessary for the elimination of toxic wastes in the body that build up from diet and other external factors. We talked about the necessity of blood cleansing. We identified sources of toxins, including how they can develop internally. We also discussed the normal processes the body uses to eliminate toxins and cleanse the blood. Some of the warning signs of poor elimination of toxins include: sluggishness, lack of sleep, weight gain (or loss), and difficulty losing or gaining weight.
  • The Blood As A Cleansing Agent: William Cooper’s hymn speaks of “a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins, where sinners, plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.” The apostle John said that the blood of Jesus Christ “cleanses us from all sin.” The multitude in Revelation 7 had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. But how is blood a cleaning agent? To us, blood is a soiling or staining agent, something we try to scrub off, not scrub with. Here we discussed an experiment that can demonstrate this practical principle of the cleansing power of the blood.
  • How We Properly Detoxify the Body: Here we discussed the dangers of a quick detoxification program. We noted that there are two phases to detoxification. The first phase is releasing the toxins into the bloodstream. The second phase is eliminating them from the body. Many foul symptoms can arise if these two steps do not function together properly. In some cases a person may be worse off than before they started. Regular and proper fasting and exercise can work together to properly detoxify the body.
  • Health Problems Resulting from an Overworked Digestive System: One of the first signs that our cells are not being fed or nourished properly is a drop in our energy levels. We become tired easily and earlier in the day. Soon other symptoms start to occur. These early symptoms are little signs our bodies give us as warnings. Often our bodies warn us over and over again until finally illness sets in – and then disease. This is when the average person begins to realize something is wrong and takes notice. Here we discussed the health issues that can result from an overworked digestive system. We discussed how an overworked digestive system can cause weight gain, hypoglycemia, diabetes, food allergies, candidiasis, intestinal parasites, and colon problems.
  • Health Problems Resulting from Toxic Overload: We saw that when toxins are stored in the tissues, regardless if they come from outside the body or from inside the body, they irritate the tissues causing a malfunction that leads to a variety of symptoms. The following health problems are given as examples that can be caused or exacerbated by toxic overload: arthritis, kidney stones, dermatological issues, bronchial issues, rhinitis, sinusitis, headaches, migraines, hormonal imbalance, liver malfunctions, high blood pressure.
  • Fasting Methods to Heal Your Digestive Glands: Part One: Here we introduced a method of fasting that can be adjusted to suit your own habits and comforts. If implemented properly, fasting can be a pleasant and painless experience, potentially with no hunger, headaches, or other withdrawal symptoms. The fast begins twice a week, adding an hour onto the fasting time until you eventually go 24 then 36 hours with only water. At this point the fast should only be done once a week. This type of fasting allows the digestive glands to heal over a period of time with little discomfort.
  • Fasting Methods to Heal Your Digestive Glands: Part Two: Here is presented an alternative fast as espoused by Dr. Joseph Mercola. His method is called intermittent fasting and involves restricting the hours of eating to a 6-8 hour period on a daily basis without minimizing the food intake. One could work up to this kind of schedule implementing the hour delays mentioned in the previous fast. This type of fasting, according to Mercola, has many health benefits. In addition, it gives the digestive system plenty of time to rest and heal.

In conclusion, fasting is not only biblical, but it is beneficial to the overall well-being of an individual. In our society, as the food sources become more and more corrupted from their original design, it is necessary to take precautions to properly detoxify the body and heal the overworked digestive glands. In so doing, one will see much improvement in their overall health.

Next: Healthy Blood Through Rest: Introduction

Return To: Biblical Health Study


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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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