Preparing the Mind for the Fast

fasting1We have been exploring what it means to live life under God’s design and are in process of presenting seven biblical ways to bring health to the body through the blood. First we explored how the biblical principle of cleanliness effects the quality of our blood. We are now discussing the topic of fasting and its effect on the blood.

Fasting is one of the greatest ways to bring health to our bodies. The regular practice can improve our blood quality and circulation, and can bring the bodies natural blood cleansing functions up to normal levels.

To say it another way, one reason why our blood quality, circulation, and cleansing is not functioning properly could be because fasting has not been part of our lifestyle.

If we felt more comfortable with the practice of fasting, and better understood the physiology of it within our bodies, perhaps we would start to incorporate this ancient ritual into our lifestyle. We might also be more inclined to incorporate the practice into our prayer life either personally or corporately within the church, reaping the spiritual benefits as well as the physical benefits. In addition, fasting can help us build self-control in our lives as a whole.

Fasting, like other disciplines, takes work.

We reap what we sow – a basic biblical principle. Sowing takes work. The harder we work, the more we reap. This is a truism. The more effort we put into our garden, the greater the results. The more effort we put into raising our children, the greater the results. The more we study and meditate on God’s word, the more victorious our Christian life.

So it is with regard to fasting: the more we incorporate it into our lifestyle, the greater the spiritual and physical blessings.

It also can be said that the harder it is to do something, the greater the benefits come when we actually do it. The greater reward comes with that which is more difficult to apply.

For most people, fasting is that area which is more difficult to apply, but for those who do fast, the benefits they reap are enormous.

If we sow spiritual and physical mediocrity, we will reap mediocrity. If we sow spiritual and physical excellence, we will reap excellence.

Are you willing to reap the good benefits of the hard work of fasting?

Keep in mind the over arching theme of this present series: the life of the flesh is in the blood. Our blood is the key to provide nourishment and cleansing to our bodies at the cellular level. This is the foundation of the Reformed Health principles.

Fasting is an integral part of the life of the flesh.

Stay tuned for the reasons why!

Next: Principle #2: Healthy Blood Through Fasting: Why Fasting is Needed – Part One

Return To: Biblical Health Study


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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