Healthy Blood Through Fasting: Conclusion

Fasting is not only biblical, but it is beneficial to the overall well-being of an individual. In our society, as the food sources become more and more corrupted from their original design, it is necessary to take precautions to properly detoxify the body and heal the overworked digestive glands. In so doing, one will see much improvement in their overall health.

How We Properly Detoxify The Body

detoxDuring the first three hours after a meal is eaten, the body uses 60% of its available energy to aid in digestion. When the body does not receive food for a period of time, itĀ frees up thatĀ 60% energy to concentrateĀ on other physiologic processes that it otherwise would notĀ have the energy to sustain, such as ridding the body of metabolic wastes and toxins, which isĀ aĀ priority for the body. Put simply, when we Continue reading “How We Properly Detoxify The Body”


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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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