Do Not Be Drunk With Wine

Do Not Be Drunk With Wine: 30 Warnings in the Bible

Do Not Be Drunk With Wine LongOur last post shared 14 Reasons God Approves Wine in the Bible. But, the Bible also gives stern warnings against alcohol abuse. Ephesians 5:18 says it like this: Do not be drunk with wine.

Previously we shared:

Today we will look at 30 warnings in the Bible about being drunk with wine (or any substance).

Do Not Be Drunk With Wine

I had wanted to share 28 reasons to not be drunk with wine, but I found 30 and went with it. I am sharing over twice the amount of warnings against drunkenness as I shared in defense of alcohol in moderation. Some of these warnings are life-threatening: and they are right out of the Bible. So take heed.
Continue reading “Do Not Be Drunk With Wine: 30 Warnings in the Bible”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

14 Reasons God Approves Wine in the Bible

14 Reasons God Approves Wine in the BibleOur last post, The Joy of the Vine Is in the Wine,  demonstrated 7 reasons that wine in the Bible contained alcohol. And if the post did not convince you, read Kenneth Gentry’s book, God Gave Wine: What the Bible Says About Alcohol.

We have been defending the fact that God gave His seal of approval for certain foods and drinks that are controversial in today’s society. Presently we are discussing wine in the Bible. Today will explore the fact that God not only approves of wine, but in certain circumstances He even commands its use.

As Christians we have an obligation to “obey all that He commanded us” and to teach others to do the same. “Obeying” all that God commands includes abstaining from certain behaviors. Beyond this we have “Christian liberty” or freedom. God’s law is so simple, but man loves to add to it.

No where is there a command to not drink wine in the Bible. Yet the command to drink wine in certain circumstances is evident — as you will see below. When God does not “forbid” something in the Scripture, neither can we forbid it. To do so is an act of Pharisee-ism and legalism, an adding to the law of God. But as we will see, God not only does not forbid wine, He is pleased with it. Wine is a gift from God to be enjoyed on His terms, just like sexual intimacy and food are to be enjoyed on His terms. Our last post shared 7 reasons that wine in the Bible contained alcohol. And today we will double the evidence that God approves wine in the Bible.

Below are 14 reasons that Christians are allowed (or even commanded) to drink wine in the Bible. Continue reading “14 Reasons God Approves Wine in the Bible”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

The Joy of the Vine Is in the Wine

7 Clear Reasons Wine in the Bible Contained Alcohol7 Clear Reasons Wine in the Bible Contained Alcohol.

We are continuing our case that we should not refuse food (or drink) that God has given us to enjoy. Our argument is based on 1 Timothy 4:4-5 where the Apostle Paul condemns men “who advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.”

Is Wine Taboo?

The current taboo we are considering is “wine.” Does God forbid the drinking of wine? Or is it allowed in moderation? Those who oppose drinking alcohol often claim that the wine the saints drank in the Bible contained little or no alcohol.

But the Bible paints a different picture, showing that the wine used in the Bible was capable of intoxication. And it is well-known that the alcohol in wine is the element that intoxicates.

Here are 7 reasons that demonstrate that the wine in the Bible was a powerful intoxicant, containing enough alcohol to make the heart merry and/or cause drunkenness.

Continue reading “The Joy of the Vine Is in the Wine”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Can We Drink Wine to the Glory of God?

Can We Drink Wine to the Glory of God?We have been building a case that we should not refuse food that God has given us to enjoy. The Apostle Paul condemns men

“who advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude” — I Timothy 4:4-5.

There are many categories of God ordained “foods” that modern day “diets” and “theologians” instruct us to avoid. We recently discussed the abstention from meat. Yet we saw from the Bible, that meat is now part of God’s diet for man. Read more here: The Evolution of Food in the Bible. In addition, we saw that Meat (not vegetarianism) Is a Gift from God to Be Enjoyed. Next we debunked 10 vegetarian myths: 10 Vegetarian Myths Debunked by God, Science, and the Bible. But to balance the equation, we noted that sometimes vegetarianism is good, acceptable, and even necessary. Read more here: 6 Reasons for God Ordained Vegetarianism in the Bible.

Now we will look at another taboo in many “health food” regimes as well as in many churches. That topic is alcohol consumption. Continue reading “Can We Drink Wine to the Glory of God?”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

6 Reasons for God Ordained Vegetarianism in the Bible

6 Reasons for Vegetarianism in the BibleThe last post in this series debunked 10 vegetarian myths: 10 Vegetarian Myths Debunked by God, Science, and Common Sense.

Though vegetarianism is not the standard biblical diet, there are times and epochs that are given (or have been given) to abstain from eating meat. Here they are: Continue reading “6 Reasons for God Ordained Vegetarianism in the Bible”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Meat (not vegetarianism) Is a Gift from God To Be Enjoyed

Meat (not vegetarianism) Is a Gift From God to Be Enjoyed

All food is a gift from God to be enjoyed, and we are instructed in the New Testament to not reject any food that He has created. Unfortunately, there is a host of foods that some modern day “diets” seek to vilify. One such food is the flesh of animals.

In The Evolution of Food in the Bible, we noted that God gave meat to mankind to eat after the great flood that watered the entire earth. This flood changed earth’s environment in ways that we may not fully understand. These changes made it necessary for God to add animal flesh as food. If it wasn’t necessary, God would not have given it as food. And since God did give meat as food, it should NOT be rejected. There are some examples in the Bible of limited vegetarianism which we will discuss in an upcoming post. Today we are going to look at some important examples of meat eating in the Bible. In many of these situations, God directly provides the meat for consumption. At times He commands that meat be eaten. And in more than one occasion, God Himself through Jesus Christ partakes of the meat.

Here are nine examples of meat eating in the Bible: Continue reading “Meat (not vegetarianism) Is a Gift from God To Be Enjoyed”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating Blood

12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating BloodPagan Roots of Eating Blood.

The practice of eating blood has its roots in ancient pagan societies and cultures. Barnes notes, “The use of blood was common among the Gentiles. They drank it often at their sacrifices, and in making covenants or compacts.” And according to Ellicott, dishes prepared with blood “were common in the cuisine both of Greeks and Romans” at the time of the writing of the New Testament.

Yet, God expressly forbade the eating of blood from early history.

Forbidden by God.

Genesis 9:4 set the stage for God’s prohibition for eating blood — because it contained the life of the flesh. This prohibition is further defined at Mount Sinai and reiterated by the Apostles and the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. As a result, the early church faithfully refrained from eating blood. Gill says the law “was attended to with much strictness by the primitive Christians, who seemed to have observed this advice in the form of a law, and thought it criminal to eat blood.”

Accordingly, Gill writes that the strict adherence to the law by the early church “would have involved a frequent withdrawal from social life, or a conspicuous singularity.”

Despite the abstention of the early Christians, the modern church has largely abandoned the prohibition against eating blood, wrongly filing it as “ceremonial.” Gill writes of this law, “in process of time it was neglected; and in Austin’s time abstinence from blood was derided, as a ridiculous notion.” Yet we have repeatedly shown that this law is not ceremonial and should be adhered to today. Barnes agrees, noting the law predates ceremony. Continue reading “12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating Blood”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

The Evolution of Food in the Bible

The Evolution of Food in the Bible

God, the Provider.

We have begun Principle #6 of Living Under God’s Design: Healthy Blood Through Real Food. Our last post, Eat Food That Has Been Created to Be Enjoyed, introduced the idea that God has decreed what food is to be eaten by His creatures. God’s very first command was a “food law.” He forbade Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

God has the right to tell His creatures what they can and cannot eat. He is the creator and owner of everything. Even more, God loves His creatures very much — especially the humans that He created in His own image. Food was never an afterthought of God: it was a loving provision from a loving God and Father who desires His creatures to flourish in the world He created for them so they could subdue the earth and multiply upon it.

And as part of God’s provision for man to flourish in His world, over time, He has ordained changes in the food chain, a sort of evolution of food.

We have already seen that God gave fruits and vegetables as man’s first sustenance. The first couple were allowed to eat of any of the plants God created, even the Tree of Life. The only food they were forbidden to eat was that produced by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading “The Evolution of Food in the Bible”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Eat Only What is Necessary: Conclusion

Eat Only What is NecessaryThe last several posts in this series have been looking at the topic of moderation in the Bible.


In the Introduction we noted that our high calling in Christ is to bring our bodies under subjection to Christ in every area — this includes food and drink. The Apostle Paul set a great example for us when he taught that he made his body a slave for the sake of the gospel. According to I Corinthians 9:27, Paul was active in the process of subduing his flesh, moment by moment. And we saw that it wasn’t only his “hope” to discipline his flesh — it was his practice through the Holy Spirit so he would not be disqualified from the race. And his discussion of this topic is presented in the midst of a discourse on food.

We, like the Apostle Paul, must master our bodies, rather than letting food (or anything) master us.

Read more: Eat Only What is Necessary: Introduction

Is Eating Too Much A Sin?

Next we looked at the topic of overeating. There we presented and expounded on 7 Bible verses that deal with self-control and food. Continue reading “Eat Only What is Necessary: Conclusion”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Food Is Made to Energize the Body: 14 Bible Verses!

Food Is Made to Energize the Body: 14 Bible Verses!

Food Is Made to Energize the Body: 14 Bible Verses!God Gave Food To Nourish the Body.

Most people would agree that food is designed to nourish and energize the body. Yet, in the last post in this series, we noted that many people have abandoned the practice of eating for nourishment. Instead, the fork goes to the mouth primarily for pleasure.

Pleasure eating can cause much harm to the body if it is left unchecked. Yes, God has designed food to taste good! But we must not allow taste (or pleasure) to control our diet. When considering what to eat, we should choose nourishment first and pleasure second.

We’ve already discussed the dangers of

  1. Eating too much
  2. Eating too little
  3. And eating primarily for pleasure

Today we will share 14 Bible verses that demonstrate that food is designed to nourish and energize our bodies. Let this be an encouragement to consider your food choices each day. Are you eating for pleasure and convenience? Or are you seeking to use food for the purpose which it was designed?

Continue reading “Food Is Made to Energize the Body: 14 Bible Verses!”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
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