Health Problems Resulting From Toxic Overload

On a previous post we discussed health problems that arise from an overworked digestive system; now we will look at issues that stem from toxic overload.

When toxins are stored in the tissues, regardless if they come from outside the body or from inside the body, they irritate the tissues causing a malfunction that leads to a variety of symptoms.

As we go through these problems, you will gain insight of how these toxins produce various symptoms in the affected body part. This will aid you in identifying the root causes and give you some ideas how you might correct them.

The following health problems are only a sample list and may or may not apply to your situation.


Toxins that are stored in the joints can irritate and inflame the inside lining of the joint, causing stiffness which can progress to arthritis. Types of arthritis include  osteo, rheumatoid, gout, and so on depending on the kind of joint affected. But the root cause is the same – toxins stored in the joints.

Kidney Stones

Toxins that are stored in the kidneys can form hard deposits of metabolic wastes such as uric acid. This excessive build up causes kidney stones, a painful (and sometimes debilitating) condition.

Dermatological Issues

Metabolic toxins stored in the skin can cause a host of problems. Wastes can build up, causing the skin to become inflamed. This can result in dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, rashes, redness, or white spots. Topical ointments may help ease the symptoms temporarily, but the real healing comes only from dealing with the root cause. Toxins need to be removed from the skin. As mentioned on an earlier post, the skin’s capillaries need to be opened up to improve blood flow so that toxins and wastes can be removed through the skin. Skin is the largest organ in the body and one of the four major systems for elimination of toxins.

God has designed us in such a way that He has provided us with a great warning system – our skin! By looking at our skin, we can visually see if our skin is holding toxins or not. Pimples and acne in adolescents are warning signs. Some young people and even adults are more susceptible to skin problems and this can be a good thing if the individual can read the language. Toxins are there and need to be removed.

Bronchial Conditions

Toxins can also store in the mucus lining inside the surface of the bronchial tubes. When this tissue becomes irritated, it swells and produces too much mucus. The mucus becomes thicker and the resultant symptoms are wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, which today is called bronchitis.

If the bronchial muscles contain toxins and spasm in response,  asthma results. When a person uses an inhaler, it temporarily relaxes the spasms of the bronchial muscles until the medication wears off, when another asthma attack can occur. Again, this is because there are toxins stored in the bronchial muscles.


The nasal passages contain a mucus lining that, when inflamed due to stored toxins, produces rhinitis. If the toxins continue to be stored in the lining, the swollen mucus can result in a chronically blocked nasal passage or chronic nasal drainage. Also when the mucus lining is inflamed, incoming inhaled particles such as dust and pollen can irritate the lining even more, which often leads to respiratory allergies.

Sinusitis and Headaches

Toxins stored in the mucus lining of the sinus cavities can also become swollen and inflamed, causing sinus blockage and pressure resulting in sinus headaches.


Toxins in the blood vessels in the head can create migraine headaches.

Hormonal Imbalance

When the endocrine glands store toxins, they can secrete too little or too much of their hormones into the blood causing all kinds of symptoms. The unpredictable nature of hormonal changes in the blood leads to many problems which include erratic energy level changes, mood swings, PMS, and menopausal symptoms.

Liver Malfunctions

The liver can store toxins as well. Under normal conditions the liver filters and stores anything that should not be in the blood at that specific time – whether toxins or nutrients. If too many toxins are stored in the liver, it can affect the amount of nutrients it should store. The end result is that the liver can not produce the correct amount of bile, affecting the proper digestion of fats and oils. This liver malfunction can cause weight problems including excessive gain or loss.

High Blood Pressure

The production of cholesterol can also be greatly affected by toxins stored in the liver causing other kinds of ill health, including high blood pressure.

The above health concerns can be caused by other factors such as lack of good nutrients feeding the cells. But for Americans, toxic overload is one of the primary reasons why the above illnesses exist.

Medications can treat and control the above medical conditions, but they never get to the root causes. We desire to identify the root causes and act accordingly.

Our goal is to help you heal yourself (or stay healthy) by applying simple principles to detoxify your body and feed it the nutrients needed to live an abundant life.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your body is likely telling you that you have a toxic overload.

Toxic does not have to be normal.

Fasting is one of the greatest tools for detoxifying the body.

Next: Healthy Blood Through Fasting: Methods to Heal Your Digestive Glands.

Return To: Biblical Health Study



Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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