Could This Simple Trick Solve Your Constipation Problem?

Constipation is one problem most of us have had to deal with at one time or another in our lives. For some (like me) it is a regular struggle. And we all know it is not one of the finer things in life. Could solving the constipation problem be as simple as embracing an ancient technique?

How We Properly Detoxify The Body

detoxDuring the first three hours after a meal is eaten, the body uses 60% of its available energy to aid in digestion. When the body does not receive food for a period of time, it frees up that 60% energy to concentrate on other physiologic processes that it otherwise would not have the energy to sustain, such as ridding the body of metabolic wastes and toxins, which is a priority for the body. Put simply, when we Continue reading “How We Properly Detoxify The Body”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Why Fasting is Needed – Part Two

bw man questionFasting is necessary for the elimination of toxic wastes, which continually build up through an unhealthy diet and other external factors.

It is estimated that 90% of adults have enough toxins in them to Continue reading “Why Fasting is Needed – Part Two”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved