
Kill Toenail Fungus Naturally

Kill ToeNail Fungus Naturally and for Pennies

Kill Toenail Fungus NaturallyKill Toenail Fungus Naturally

About eight years ago, I developed a mild case of toenail fungus. I attribute the fungus to wearing someone else’s socks — which I will never do again. I don’t wear socks used by another, and I don’t give used socks away — they go straight in the trash. But at least I have a story to tell about how to kill toenail fungus naturally.

The fungus didn’t bother me at first, so I just ignored it. Yes, my feet were not all that attractive in sandals, but I’ve never really been a mani/pedi kind of girl so it was easy to allow the fungus to grow symbiotically on my feet. But something changed that opinion. Continue reading “Kill ToeNail Fungus Naturally and for Pennies”

“Christian Yoga is An Oxymoron” Reveals Expert, Laurette Willis

“I sensed the…time would come, and that time is now, when people would be so deceived that they thought yoga was just exercise.” But, according to Willis, the very definition of yoga reveals that yoga is not just exercise. Yoga is a form of worship to one of 330 million Hindu deities. And, she claims, it is the missionary arm of Hinduism, promotes salvation by works, and is designed to prepare its practitioners for death and entrance into a new life through reincarnation.

Risks of Swimming in a Chlorinated Pool

14 Risks of Swimming in a Chlorinated Pool

In all my years of swimming in a lake, I never experienced any adverse reactions from the water — though I did get sun poisoning a time or two. However, I began to notice that when I would swim in chlorinated swimming pools, it would dry out my skin, turn my blonde hair green, and cause my ears to clog up and kind of hurt, diminishing their ability to function at full auditory capacity. Or said simply, it affected my ability to hear well.

What You Need to Know About Pacific Bone Broth

Bone broth contains a hefty amount of naturally occurring collagen, a protein that helps provide glowing skin, strong nails, and beautiful hair. Bone broth is also high in glutathione, an anti-oxidant that helps many cellular functions throughout your body. And as an added benefit, bone broth is high in protein and low in calories, making it the perfect diet food.

June Weight Loss Journal with Commentary (down 28 pounds total)

Surviving the move was pretty tough on my eating schedule too. When all your pots and pans are packed up and you’re packing/cleaning from dusk to dawn — it is hard to resist those biscuits at Cracker Barrel. But I did resist the Ice Cream Berry Cobbler (mostly because I didn’t enjoy it much after a couple bites).

One of the Great Metaphors: the Spice of Life

Spices by nature add a special quality to whatever mundane thing they touch or mingle with. Can you imagine an apple streusel pie or pumpkin bread without cinnamon? Or chocolate chip cookies without a dash of vanilla. Or a mojito without a sprig of mint. Spice takes something that is already good and improves it, makes it better.

Urgent! Are You Prepared for Fire To Destroy Your Home?

The process of getting rid of stuff has been freeing in many ways. But already there are items I have needed the next day after boxing them off to the thrift store. But I have been the one who made the decisions. I have had the final yes and the final no.

This was not the case with many of my friends from my hometown in the Kern River Valley who have lost everything in a devastating fire.

A Moving Story

2 2I recently shared 10 Bible verses that give me hope when things are not looking bright. There I mentioned I had packed my belongings over 13 times in four different states from the west coast to the east coast in the last five years. Read about it here. 

Well…I can officially up the count to 14. And believe it or not — that does not include every move — just the times we have packed our belongings.

Right now my computer is set up on a temporary desk (a folding table), and I am surrounded by Continue reading “A Moving Story”

One of the Great Metaphors: The Oil of Life

In recent years, oil has received a bad reputation as unhealthy. Fat free diets were once a fad that I bought into. This wrong thinking caused me great physical harm as oil is necessary for the brain function and healthy hormone levels. In light of the great metaphor of the olive tree — we should see that oil (fat) is a necessary part of our diet.