March Weight Loss Journal with Commentary (down 16.6 pounds total)

It is impossible to gain or lose 2 pounds in a day. It seems discouraging that in one week I have not lost or gained. Here is the beauty that I have to consider: I have that weigh in of 169.8 — which is where I am headed. This diet is not about instant results: it is about enjoying what you eat and losing weight in the process.

February Weight Journal w/Commentary (Down 12.4 Pounds Total)

When my daughter came for a visit around her birthday, I made an amazing Chocolate Beet Cake. I will be putting that recipe up soon. It is not low fat or low calorie — especially with the decadent Chocolate Frosting I put on top (that recipe can be found here). But I ate as much as I wanted. We also went out to pizza and enjoyed other nice meals together. I ate all these foods without “going off” my diet. Yes, I had to account for what I ate. But I didn’t feel guilty. I didn’t feel like I was cheating. I was just enjoying my family with good food.

January Weight Journal w/ Commentary (Down 11 Pounds)

I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions — but sometimes the job still needs to get done. When I weighed myself at the beginning of the year and saw a whopping 185 pounds on the scale — I knew it was time to make some changes. There is only one method of dieting that works for me: energy in must be less than energy out. On the other hand, I know this is a recipe for disaster if I can’t eat and enjoy all the foods I love.

7 Big PROBLEMS Caused by a Fatigued DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

One of the first signs that our cells are not being fed or nourished properly is a drop in our energy levels. We become tired easily and earlier in the day. Soon other symptoms start to occur. These early symptoms are little signs our bodies give us as warnings. Often our bodies warn us over and over again until finally illness sets in – and then disease. This is when the average person begins to realize something is wrong and takes notice.