April Weight Loss Journal with Commentary (down 19 pounds total)

I made an amazingly delicious Hummingbird Cake to give my California friends and family a taste of the south. Thankfully my mother encouraged me to make only a half a batch of frosting. The cake was delicious and tempting. The first two days I only had a small piece each day. But on the third day I had three pieces (lack of accountability). It did affect the scale, but I tried to counter it in other ways. Overall, I gained only a bit of weight — but I could have lost if I hadn’t made that wonderful cake. No regrets. Enjoying the journey is part of the prize.

March Weight Loss Journal with Commentary (down 16.6 pounds total)

It is impossible to gain or lose 2 pounds in a day. It seems discouraging that in one week I have not lost or gained. Here is the beauty that I have to consider: I have that weigh in of 169.8 — which is where I am headed. This diet is not about instant results: it is about enjoying what you eat and losing weight in the process.