Healthy Blood Through Environment: Introduction

garden-953097_1280We are now at principle #4 in the series Living Under God’s Design: 7 Biblical Principles. Each of the 7 principles are based on the fact that God has said, “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” And if the blood is healthy, the life is healthy. ThusĀ far in the series we have sharedĀ the following:

  1. Healthy Blood Through Cleanliness
  2. Healthy Blood Through Fasting
  3. Healthy Blood Through Rest

And now we will introduce Healthy Blood Through Environment.

Living Within Your Environment

God has designed ourĀ world (and the creatures in it) to live under fixed boundaries and laws. It is a world based upon the pure, excellent wisdom of God. He created it beautiful, with life giving properties. He knew exactly what man would need to thrive on His green planet.

  • He gave us light to see and a sun to warm the earth.
  • He createdĀ an atmosphere perfectly designed for humans to breathe.
  • God gave lands for planting and harvesting and living.
  • He gave water for drinking, bathing, swimming, and feeding the earth.
  • He gave plants for eating, medicine, and beauty.
  • He placed stars in the sky to use for navigation and inspire songs.
  • He spoke the moon into existence so that it might wax and wane and order tides and times.
  • He placed fish in the seas and lakes and streams to play — knowing one day man would find great pleasure in catching and eating them.
  • He made birds to fly in the air — knowing one day man would too learn how to develop flight of their own.
  • He made the animals big and small — anticipating that they would becomeĀ pets, food, and clothing.
  • And He made man, male and female, in His own image.

God said that all He created was good, very good.Ā Ā And there was a reason HeĀ waited until the end of day six to create man. Man was God’s crowning glory. All else was created for him — to live in and enjoy and steward. Ā God gave man charge over the animals, to rule them. He gave man stewardship over the earth that He might tend it and pull out its rich resources and fill the earth with wonderful things. GodĀ told mankindĀ to be fruitful and multiply on the land and subdue the earth. And AdamĀ needed a place to start his work, so God planted a garden for himĀ to tend. It was the first piece of deeded real estate — with all kinds of wonderful fruits and vegetables to enjoy.

Unfortunately, sin entered the world and brought a curse on God’s beautiful earth. But God promised One who would redeem both mankind and His creation. Paul speaks of the hopeĀ that “the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption.” And John 3:16 says that God so loved the worldĀ that He gave His Son. The word world refers to the whole universe — all of His creation. As Christians, we too should love His world and seek to live in it as He designed. When we do, we will find great benefits both physically and spiritually.

God loves His earth and He loves His creatures. He has built into its design a way to live that brings health and life.

The next several posts will look atĀ Ā four fundamental and simple environmental conditions under which God placed man to live within His world. These will be taken from Genesis chapter one, where it all began.

Four Environmental ConditionsĀ 

  1. Living from the garden
  2. Living with the lights and seasons
  3. Living under the sun
  4. Living by moving

Next: Delighted by Living From The Garden

Return to: Biblical Health Study



Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


Ā© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
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