Principle #1: Healthy Blood Through Cleanliness: Introduction

Cleanliness: Introduction

God has given us in His Word various principles regarding cleanliness which if applied will protect us from various diseases and illnesses. Here we are dealing with various environmental toxins that enter our bloodstream apart from eating food and drinking water. The primary mechanism of entry has to do with what we touch or what touches us as we shall shortly see.

Today, cleanliness is an area that has not been discussed as much regarding health, but rather, the focus has been on what we eat and how we should exercise (which are important). In God’s Word though, much is said about cleanliness (and what we touch), so we must give this area special attention. The nations today who do not practice these simple principles typically have a high incidence of disease; whereas those countries who have been most influenced by God’s Word in this area have seen relatively little disease – particularly various Jewish communities throughout Europe and North America.

As disease and health conditions in America are on the rise, despite the increase of so called medical technology and prescription drugs (which only treat symptoms not the cause), it would be extremely wise to protect our bodies from these almost pending conditions. The best way to do so is to keep our bodies as healthy as possible and apply the cleanliness principles that God has instituted and that have been practiced with great benefit for many years in various Jewish enclaves.

In addition to what we touch, we have environmental toxins and poisons that enter our body through our mouth. It is estimated that up to 80% of all cancers are a direct result of chemicals in our air, water, and food. In fact, it is said that 4.5 billion pounds of carcinogenic chemicals are released into our air and water every year. We have more chemicals today than ever before in our history. As a result, it is absolutely essential that our immune system be topnotch to handle this influx. We will talk more specifically about this in the future.

All of the cleanliness principles that we will share will come from the O.T. Law. Though today, as believers, we are not under the penalty of the law of Moses, we certainly have an obligation to apply the principles of the law except where the N.T. specifically precludes this (Sabbath day [we now have the Lord’s day, the Christian Sabbath], ceremonial law rituals and animal sacrifices, various feasts, etc. Col. 2:16ff). To not do so would violate what God has clearly taught in the New Testament Scriptures.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable…

Please read the following verses. You can click on the reference or use your own Bible to look up the passages.

Matthew 5: 17-19 – teaches that none of God’s law has passed away. Having the law fulfilled in Christ does not negate its profit for living. The Ten Commandments are part of God’s law – we do not question their validity.

Romans 3:31 – here Paul says that faith establishes the law.

Romans 7:12  – here Paul calls the law of God holy.

Romans 15:4 – this passage specifically references to the Old Testament. It was (and is) written for our instruction.

When Christ came to fulfill the law, He released us from the curse of the law. God knew we could never keep His law perfectly, so He sent Christ to keep it for us. This in no way diminishes the  value of the law for living.

When Paul wrote in II Timothy 3:16 that all Scripture was profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness – he was including the Old Testament.

Let’s not ignore such a treasure from God. Our next post will begin to look specifically at what God has said regarding cleanliness with an understanding towards what we should and should not touch. Future posts will add additional applications to this wisdom principle.

Next: Healthy Blood Through Cleanliness: What Do The Scriptures Say?

Return To: Biblical Health Study


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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