Perfect Supplement

How To Know If Yours is A Perfect Supplement

Perfect SupplementI will never stop the mantra: food, not supplements, is the best way to get nutrition. After all — food has been God’s design to make healthy humans from the beginning of time. Why fix something that is not broken?

Unfortunately, the world is broken due to the fall of mankind and the subsequent curse. Weeds do grow and pests do devour crops. And, man has tried to Continue reading “How To Know If Yours is A Perfect Supplement”


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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

How to Remove Chlorine from Bathwater for Pennies

If you thought you were safe from the affects of chlorine because you use a filter for your drinking water, you’re wrong.The hot bath water opens the pours, allowing the chlorine to be absorbed through the skin. And worse, the steam from a hot chlorinated bath or shower contains a by-product of chlorine: chloroform, which is more dangerous than chlorine.

How To Safely Remove Chlorine from Tap Water In A Pinch

Water is a vital part of human existence. Without it none could survive. We drink it, cook with it, and bathe in it. Yet, we often take this life source for granted, ingesting whatever clear liquid comes out of our faucet or out of our water bottles. And — whether it is safe to drink or not — we have to pay for it.With a little research and a little experimentation, I discovered that Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) alters the chemical make-up of chlorine, changing it into a form that is safe for consumption.

Chicken You Should Never Ever Eat

The Chicken You Should Never Ever Eat and How it is Labelled to Deceive You

100% Vegetarian Fed. What this really means is that these chickens have been fed a diet of pesticides and genetically modified foods and are lacking some natural protein in their diet. Chickens have been designed to forage for their food, eating lots of bugs. If chicken is not certified organic, it has been supplemented GMO corn and soy which is “Round-up Ready” containing glyphosate. Chickens, nor humans were designed to ingest these types of chemicals. Dr. Mercola has several articles warning about the dangers of glyphosate.