Reason #5: To Preserve Life

Can Auschwitz Happen in America?

Warning! This may take you out of your comfort zone.

We need to have biblical answers to our health so that we can protect our life, if need be.

This is not only about protecting our lives from ill health. We must protect ourselves from those who may have the power to decide if we live or die.

Granted, we are not YET at a place where others can determine if we live or die. But that day may not be far around the corner. As it is in America, our HMO’s do have the power to determine whether or not we are “eligible” to receive certain medical treatments (or at least have them paid for). And as we move closer to government mandated health care, we will see a rise in the control of the medical establishment. This equals a control over the people—namely us.

Consider what happened in Germany.

Author William J. Federer has written an article, entitled “Auschwitz in America,” that paints a horrific picture of what could happen in America. The article begins like this:

Even before the rise of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, the way for gruesome Nazi Holocaust of human extermination and cruel butchery was being prepared…through the medical establishment and philosophical elite’s adoption of the “quality of life” concept in place of the “sanctity of life.”

He goes on to write that Germany had moved toward the Hegelian view of “rational utility” as opposed to the worth of an individual being founded in religious, ethical, or moral values. Euthanasia was promoted as “mercy killing.”

Nationalized health care and government involvement in medical care promised to improve the public’s “quality of life.” Unfortunately, the cost of maintaining government medical care….crippled the economy….The national socialist government decided to remove “useless” expenses from the budget, which included the support of medical costs required to maintain the lives of the retarded, insane, senile, epileptic, psychiatric patients, handicapped, deaf, blind, the not-rehabilitatable ill, and those who had been diseased or chronically ill for five years or more.

Do you fit into any of those categories?

Notice the italics added to the text, “those who had been diseased or chronically ill for five years or more.” By highlighting the diseased and ill is in no means meant to lessen the significance of the others. It is just that today in America, there are so many Christians that fall into that category.

It was labeled an “act of mercy” to “liberate them through death”…having a low “quality of life,” as well as being a tax burden on the public.

Germany’s citizens had already been conditioned to accept this “liberation of death.” In fact, the killing went on to include other classes of citizens, including those unable to work. I only mentioned those that fit into the health related topic of this web-site.

But I am sure you must be thinking, “This could never happen in America.” The author goes on to address that very question.

Can this holocaust happen in America? Indeed, it has already begun. The idea of killing a person and calling it “death with dignity” is an oxymoron. The “mercy-killing” movement puts us on the same path as pre-Nazi Germany.

America is already taking steps towards this type of atrocity as we flirt with and accept terms such as “death with dignity” and “mercy killing.”

Who Is Educating the Next Generation?

Consider the thoughts of Princeton University professor Peter Singer, who is educating the next generation:

The Associated Press reported Singer’s comments: “I do think that it is sometimes appropriate to kill a human infant,” he said, adding that he does not believe a newborn has a right to life until it reaches some minimum level of consciousness. “For me, the relevant question is, what makes it so seriously wrong to take a life?”

Singer’s views, if left unchecked, could easily lead to a repeat of the atrocities of Nazi Germany, if not something worse…. and a haunting future unfolds before us.

William Federer concludes his article with these thoughts:

Will America chose the “sanctity of life” concept as demonstrated by Mother Teresa, or will America chose the “quality of life” concept championed by self-proclaimed doctors of death – such as in the case of the court-ordered starvation of Terri Schiavo – and continue its slide toward Auschwitz? What kind of subtle anesthetic has been allowed to deaden our national conscience? What horrors await us?

For the full article please follow this link.

Now, I know a lot of time has been spent discussing this article. But we must be prepared to take control of our own health. We can not deny that America is on the proverbial “slippery slope” towards the very things warned about above.

Let’s take control of our health before someone else deems that our “quality of life” is expendable.

The answers to healthy living are right where they should be – in God’s Word.

Next: Reason #6: To Demonstrate God’s Love to Others

Return to: Biblical Health Study



Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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