Why You Cannot Afford Conventional Food

Eating Organic Whole Food is Too Expensive. This it the greatest objection I hear from people who would like to eat better, but think they cannot afford it. I suggest that people cannot afford to eat processed foods or foods with harmful additives, residual pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc. Here are four reasons:

#1 Everything that enters the body affects the immune system.

I cannot stress this principle enough. Everything that goes into our bodies has either a negative affect on our health, or a positive affect. This includes, but is not limited to, food, drinks, chemicals on clothing, air, make-up, creams and lotions, shampoo, and electronic radiation. Granted, some things are more difficult to control than others, but this makes it all the more important to take control over the things within our power. For now, the focus is food – the simplest to change with the most dramatic results, as food is our life sustainer. It does not make sense to willingly and continually spend money on food that is harmful to our body. We will pay the price, and more likely than not, are already paying it in our health by consuming toxic poisons on a daily basis.

#2 If we are sick, our health care costs rise.

How much money does the average American spend on health care costs? First there is the monthly premium, then either costly deductibles or co-pays, or both, prescriptions, etc.  My husband and I opt out of health insurance and save bundles of money each year. We rarely need a doctor’s appointment, and if we do, we simply pay for the visit. In fact, I was raised this way from childhood. The only exception was accident insurance, which covered broken arms, stitches, etc. (and I had more than my share of accidents). Why are so many Americans sick and in need of costly health insurance? Because our food supply contains poison. This is not an exaggeration – it is the truth. Our food supply contains poisons, and they are affecting millions and millions of precious uninformed people everyday. What poisons are you eating today, and how is affecting your health?

#3 Organic whole food is more nutritionally dense than the counterfeit; therefore, you need less.

I call conventional food the counterfeit because perhaps, it should not be called food at all. Consider this definition from Merriam Webster online dictionary, “Food: material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy.” If the “stuff” we put through our mouth, does not sustain growth, repair, or vital processes, and does not furnish energy, should we call it food? On the other hand, organic whole foods contain the vital nutrients that God intended to supply the human body with its fuel. The outcome is that you need less food when you eat organic. Consider the following:

A second major tick of approval for organic fruits and vegetables is the actual nutrient content. Because the soils organic foods are grown in are very fertile, organic fruits and vegetables are packed full of nutrients. Compare this to commercially grown produce where the soil has no nutrients and chemical fertilizers have been used to imitate nutrients normally found in fertile soil. The end result is a product that has less than a quarter of the nutrients as that found in organic produce. You’ll notice this difference between organic and commercial fruit and vegetables very quickly, since organic produce fills you up a lot quicker and you’ll find yourself needing to eat less [1].

#4 Your food budget doesn’t have to change.

If you learn how to shop carefully, it is possible to eat organic whole foods without raising your monthly food budget. Colleen Huber, a student of natural medicine, performed a comparison cost study of a weeks menu of processed food versus organic whole foods, and discovered the cost of organic whole foods was less expensive.  Read this article from Dr. Mercola to learn what she discovered. 

It is possible to stay within your budget. In future blogs, I will share more of how we afford to eat organic whole foods on a very tight budget.

In all this, I am not denying that I had a hard time switching from conventional food to organic. There were several crisis moments where I just could not pay $3.00 for a cucumber, but I have learned how. I do it for my family. My husband would be sick everyday if I did not make the sacrifice.

The topic of health is so comprehensive. I wish I could share everything I have learned in one blog, but the blog would turn into a book – a book I hope to some day write. For now, please take the information piecemeal. If I am not making something clear – leave a comment and let me know. I will do my best to address it.


What’s For Breakfast?

Organic Raw Cherries (Grown in the USA) on top of Plain Organic Whole Milk Yogurt with no additives or preservatives. My husband eats homemade Raw, Whole Milk, Grass Fed Organic Yogurt – which is even healthier than mine.

— — — Foot Notes– — —

1.  http://www.natural-health.net.au/articles/nutrition/organic-foods


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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