The False Gods of America

Authoritative Answers For Health: Part One, Section B

In the previous post, we learned that Ahaziah did not seek the true God to find the answers to his health condition, and accordingly, he died because of it.

We left off with this question:

Are we in America any different? Which gods do we seek for answers?

The False Gods of America

True, most Americans don’t worship false gods like Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron. But a false god does not have to be an image, Ā idol, or demon. It can be anything that we put our trust in above God Almighty.

False gods could include children, parents, insurance, doctors, lawyers, the medical establishment, prescription medication, illegal drugs, alcohol, pastors, teachers, movie stars, best-selling authors, television, science, education, universities, musicians, food, herbs, philosophies of men, the Internet, radio personalities, politicians, corporate America, your next door neighbor, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Christian authors, diet books, the encyclopedia, or any other thing that is trusted above God.

Have we made a god in our own heart of one or more of the items on this list?

Allow me to identify a specific category of individual on the above list who has truly become as a god and idol to many people, including many Christians.

Some of us bow down and do whatever this individual says without ever questioning or even thinking of going to Godā€™s Word to seek the truth.

Whatever he or she says we do!

Could this contribute to the reason many Christians continue to be sick? Is it possible that we have been listening and continue to listen to false gods? Remember the reason that Ahaziah did not recover from his illness? It is something that we must consider.

Profile of an Idol

90’s television had a program called The Profiler. Let’s put together a profile of this individual in whom so many people mindlessly put their confidence.

This individual is a human. Likely, but not necessarily, a pagan ungodly human who believes man is basically good and is evolving to a higher form.

This person is not omniscient. They have been educated under the “god of this world” who controls the university and educational systems, our legal and political system, the mainstream media, the scientific community, the religious systems, and our medical and health systems.

This person is an imperfect human, who has been educated by other imperfect humans, who have taught imperfect information that is based on many godless principles. Ā Therefore this person makes imperfect decisions, has imperfect knowledge, and is generally imperfect like all humans and is leading millions of people astray every day.

This person is a member of the medical establishment.

Have we placed our unquestioning loyalty, obedience, and trust in medical professionals?

Do we bow down at this alter?


Do we go to Godā€™s Word to see if what is being taught, prescribed, suggested, or ingested is in line with God’s Word and principles?

1 John 5:21 warns us to be on guard against idols.

What About Prayer?

Now many may respond by saying, “I always pray and ask God for wisdom to seek a good doctor, and I pray for my doctor to have wisdom.”

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the above prayer, but there is a principle that needs to be considered. I could pray all day and ask God to give me wisdom about how to solve a problem, but if I never went to the Bible to seek the answer, I would be merely praying in vain.

It is the same way in praying for our health. If we are asking God to heal us, or give us wisdom, or give wisdom to the doctor, but we have never sought God through His Word, it is worthless.

The next post will consider an example from the book of Ezekiel to demonstrate this point.

Go To: Ā Authoritative Answers: Part One, Section C: Praying in Vain

Return To:Ā Biblical Health Study


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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