Food Fosters Fellowship

Food Fosters Fellowship and Community


Food Fosters FellowshipThis is part nine of the series 10 Ways Food Impacts History, Life, and the World in the Bible.

Pot Providence.

Christians don’t believe in luck, but rather in God’s providence. Yet many churches have employed the term “luck” in their common meal. That meal of course is the “pot luck” dinner.

To be consistent (and somewhat playful), my husband and I have renamed the “pot luck” to a “pot providence” because God ordains everything that comes to pass. Some churches prefer to call it a “fellowship meal” — which is an even better name.

But whatever you call it, church members love to spread out a buffet of carefully prepared dishes from savory to sweet to enjoy together as a family of believers. And while those meals are being enjoyed, people grow closer to one another through conversation, laughter, and fellowship.

But food and fellowship is not reserved for Sundays.

Food and Family.

In daily life, it is well known that sitting around the table at mealtime fosters a strong and cohesive family with children who are confident of the love of their parents.

And can you imagine a family reunion or holiday that did not involve food? When planning for such events, food is one of the first considerations.

The big questions at Christmas might be Continue reading “Food Fosters Fellowship and Community”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

3 Dietary Laws in the New Testament

3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament

3 Dietary Laws in the New TestamentBarbecue.

Recently the church I was attending celebrated Labor Day with “barbecue” in the park. If you are not from the south, you may not know what “barbecue” really is. I grew up in California and “barbecue” was anything that you grilled on the outdoor grill that we called a barbecue. We regularly had barbecued chicken, tri-tip, steaks, and vegetables.

In the south, barbecue has no generic value — it means ONE thing. Pork.

Not all Barbecue is Barbecue.

Now, depending on what part of the southern country you live, barbecue might be seasoned differently. I learned this from a pastor’s wife in southern Virginia who complained about the barbecue seasoning in North Carolina. To her it just wasn’t barbecue because it had a vinegary flavor — even though it was the accepted flavor of the region.

Many Christians rejoice over their freedom to eat pork, shrimp, and lobster — foods that were expressly forbidden in the Old Testament. In fact, from the pulpit, the Labor Day “barbecue” in the park was promoted as a way to Continue reading “3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

The King's Food Rejected by Jewish Refugees

The King’s Food Rejected by Jewish Refugees

Metaphor_ Breath-19

The King’s Dainties.

In Roman cultures, kings and emperors would throw elaborate banquets, often trying to outdo each other with their exotic dishes.

It is reported that

They ate ostrich brains, peacocks, dolphin meatballs, herons, goat feet, peacock brains, boiled parrot, flamingo tongues and orioles. They liked watching birds fly out of featured dishes and ate an electric fish because “it was fascinating.” Sometimes a calf was cooked up with a pig inside it and inside the pig were a lamb, a chicken, a rabbit and a mouse. The Roman Emperor Elagabalus once ordered 600 ostriches killed so his cooks could make him ostrich-brain pies. [1]

This is just a sample of what the Proverbs speaks of when it talks about the king’s “dainties.” The Bible says it is deceptive food. The remedy? Continue reading “The King’s Food Rejected by Jewish Refugees”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

9 Miracles in the Bible about Food

Nine Miracles in The Bible About Food

Of course this story does not come from the Bible — it is from The Lord of the Rings.

Manna – A Miracle Food.

But the Bible does speaks of a bread with miraculous properties. Read more…This is the only bread in history that did not have it’s origin from man. Rather, it rained down from heaven.But manna was not the only miracle in the Bible revolving around food and drink. Here is a list of 9 miracles concerning food in the Bible.

The Food That Could Have Saved The Human Race

The Food that Could Have Saved the Human Race

The Bible declares that after Adam ate from the tree of knowledge, it was necessary to bar him from eating of the tree of life. God therefore kicked Adam and his posterity out of the garden never to return, guarding it with Cherubim — specifically so they would not eat of the food growing on the tree of life.

Delighted by Living From The Garden

vegetable-basket-349667_1920Have you ever considered the variety of foods that grow from the earth’s bountiful garden — all the foods that God has given us to enjoy? My heart sings over an avocado — with its creamy goodness. And my tastebuds rejoice when I bite into the tangy yellow flesh of a mango. I am even delighted by the sweet sting of a jalapeño pepper on my tongue. Of course, I must not forget garlic, with its undeniable beauty on the palette. And  a basil leaf picked straight off the stem — what a refreshingly pungent herb that adds life to many dishes. And let us also remember the queen of all the fragrant edibles: Continue reading “Delighted by Living From The Garden”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved