How to Put Together a Simple, Excellent Exercise Regime

How to Pull Together an Excellent Exercise RegimeOver the last several months, we have been sharing various ways to get the exercise you need. We have looked at

  • the benefits of exercise
  • the need for exercise
  • alternatives to the gym
  • ways to get paid to exercise
  • and so much more.

The most important principle I hope to have stressed is that EXERCISE IS NECESSARY for good health. The kind of exercise you do is not quite as important as finding something you enjoy and sticking to it.

But some people (I’m one of them) like routine. Some people need structure — so I am going to lay out an excellent (but simple) exercise regime. In fact, this is the program I use (when there are not factors that interfere with my schedule). I have already shared all theses elements — now I will piece them together into a cohesive unit.

I am not suggesting your alter your current exercise schedule — this is simply a great way to get exercise if you aren’t doing anything now. This routine is simple, safe, and effective. But to be sure — check with your own healthcare provider before starting any exercise regime. Sunday is a day of rest, so no exercise is expected. A casual walk or swim at the pool (or other light exercise for relaxation — but no rigorous workout).

I will share the same routine in two different formats (by weekly routine and by exercises).

Weekly Schedule by Day


  1. Warm up with: 5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Cardio: 12 Minute Cardio Technique That Outperforms 5 Hours Of Moderate Exercise
  3. Get your sunshine: walk or swim for 20-30 minutes


  1. Warm up with:  5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Weight training: How To Increase Your Muscle Mass Without Expensive Equipment
  3. Get your sunshinewalk or swim for 20-30 minutes

Wednesday (same as Monday):

  1. Warm up with:  5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Cardio: 12 Minute Cardio Technique That Outperforms 5 Hours Of Moderate Exercise
  3. Get your sunshinewalk or swim for 20-30 minutes

Thursday (same as Tuesday):

  1. Warm up with: 5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Weight training: How To Increase Your Muscle Mass Without Expensive Equipment
  3. Get your sunshinewalk or swim for 20-30 minutes

Friday (same as Monday):

  1. Warm up with:  5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Cardio: 12 Minute Cardio Technique That Outperforms 5 Hours Of Moderate Exercise
  3. Get your sunshinewalk or swim for 20-30 minutes

Saturday (same as Tuesday):

  1. Warm up with:  5 Minute Exercise Routine to get your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level 
  2. Weight training: How To Increase Your Muscle Mass Without Expensive Equipment
  3. Get your sunshinewalk or swim for 20-30 minutes

Sunday: Rest

Schedule by Exercise Routine

The following exercise structure is almost identical to the above, but it gives you more of a framework for flexibility so you can choose which days you want to do what.

If you have not started an exercise regime, what is holding you back? In Winning Habits: 4 Secrets that Will Change the Rest of Your Life, Dick Lyles shares this principle: Never Trade Results for Excuses!

In other words: get going, no more excuses.

Our next post in this series will be the conclusion to this series on “Created to Move.” It is a summary of everything we have been learning about exercise and the Bible.

Next: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Exercise and The Bible

Return to: Biblical Health Study




Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
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