How A TriField Gauss Meter Saved My Life


If you are concerned about dangerous EMF exposure, you may want to consider a Trifield Gauss Meter.

I learned the hard way. 

[FTC Disclosure: The following is a true story. Plus, I have an affiliate relationship with Amazon. If you choose to purchase anything off this page, I may earn a commission that will help me continue writing about health and wellness from a biblical perspective. You still get Amazon’s amazingly low prices.]


TriField Gauss Meter


Here’s What Happened.

We had moved into an apartment with 21 electric meters outside our bedroom window.

It never dawned on me to be concerned about the EMF levels until I started suffering from insomnia and “crazy brain.” I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling super stressed out, with pressure in my brain that just made me feel nervous and crazy. Next, my pinky finger broke out in a major case of cellulitis.  The final straw was discovering a lump in my breast. 

How Bad Was It?

My friend had given me a TriField Gauss Meter, but I had never thought to use it until then. 

According to the meter and other literature, 3 milligauss is the top side of the safe threshold for EMFs. The electric meters outside our bedroom were producing 10-25 milligauss inside our bedroom. These unsafe levels were causing the symptoms described above. 

I immediately started sleeping in the living room to mitigate the damage, but even the levels in the living room were higher than I would have liked (4-10 milligauss). 

We Got Out of Dodge

Our health is very important to us.

We knew we had to get out of those unsafe living conditions.

Thankfully, we now knew to check the EMF levels using our Trifield Gauss Meter before moving. We were able to find an apartment in the same complex with readings around 3 milligauss throughout the living space. Ultimately, zero milligauss would be preferred. But we had to stay in the complex until our lease was complete. Now, we take our TriField Gauss Meter with us whenever we look at new homes or apartments.

And I’m happy to report we are living in low EMF conditions today. 

How Does a TriField Gauss Meter Work?

A TriField Gauss Meter is battery operated and calibrated to detect magnetic fields, electric currents, and radio or microwaves (RF). 

You simply turn the TriField Gauss Meter on and place the meter near areas of concern. The meter will tell you how many milligauss of current exists in the area you are testing. 

It is important to test sleeping areas and areas where you might spend a lot of time, like your favorite chair. Certain places, like electrical outlets, breaker boxes, electronics, and the like — will put out higher frequencies. This should not be of great concern. You will notice the numbers taper off as you move the meter away from those items. But it will also help you be mindful not to spend too much time around those areas. 

Learn more about TriField Gauss Meters here. 


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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