Organic Nighty Night Tea with Valerian for Sleep


In the rare event of multiple sleepless nights, I have found myself grabbing the diphenhydramine out of the cabinet. However, not any more. I don’t want to risk my brain. 

If you are trying to eliminate harmful sleep aids like diphenhydramine (which is now linked to dementia) and go with a more natural approach — Traditional Medicinals Organic Nighty Night Tea might be a better solution. 

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Organic Nighty Night Tea


Organic Nighty Night Tea by Traditional Medicinals is an excellent choice if you are wanting to enjoy a good night’s sleep. 

What Makes Organic Nighty Night Tea So Good?

The most important quality of Organic Nighty Night Tea is that it is produced without harmful pesticides or additives. This means you’ll get a good night’s sleep without ingesting chemicals that can have a damaging result in your body now or in the future.

Plus, the ingredients used to make the tea all promote peace and restfulness.

I have tried the original Nighty Night Tea with passionflower and the Nighty Night formula with valerian root. Let’s compare the ingredients to see how each can help promote a good night’s sleep.

Organic Nighty Night Tea with Valerian

You’ll notice that both formulas vary considerably. The only ingredient in both teas is the passionflower herb. 

Organic Valerian Root (450 mg)

This sleepy powerhouse herb has been used for millennia to combat counting sheep.

Organic Passionflower Herb (300 mg)

This calming herb can help relieve anxiety and insomnia. According to WebMd, it can cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Just what the doctor ordered.

Organic Lemon Balm Leaf (300 mg)

High in terpenes, lemon balm leaves can help boost dopamine levels — which may be why it can help promote a good night’s sleep. Plus, it adds a nice flavor to the tea.

Organic Peppermint Leaf (300 mg)

While peppermint is known to increase alertness, it also can help eliminate stress. Plus, it is a wonderful flavor enhancer that can help almost any bitter thing go down sweet.

Proprietary Blend of Organic Caraway Fruit and Licorice Root (150 mg)

Caraway is known to be high in magnesium — which is linked to better quality of sleep and increased duration of sleep. And according to a Korean study, licorice root helps regulate sleep by interacting with GABA receptors.

Organic Nighty Night Tea with Passionflower

Not only do the teas vary in ingredients, they also have a unique taste profile. I will share my favorite below. 

Organic Passionflower Herb (360 mg)

We’ve already discussed some of the benefits of passionflower for sleep above. Passionflower can also lower brain activity, which can help you relax and sleep better.

Organic Chamomile Flower (255 mg)

Chamomile is well-known as the perfect bedtime tea. Its sleepy time effects could be due to apigenin, a compound in camomile that boasts a sedative effect.

Organic Linden Flower (135 mg)

Linden flower has a sweet fragrance that provides a calming effect. Herbalists use the leaves as a nerve relaxant. It is the perfect addition to Organic Nighty Night Tea.

Organic Catnip Herb (45 mg)

Catnip can make a cat go crazy and then settle down for a long nap. Apparently, it is also good for the long overnight naps humans take.

Organic Hop Strobile (30 mg)

Hops are the bittering agent in beer, but they also have a calming effect on the nerves, relax your body, and help you catch up on your deep sleep.

Organic Proprietary Blend of Spearmint, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Peel, and Lemongrass Leaf (675 mg)

Amazonians have used lemongrass leaf as a natural sedative for centuries; Lemon peel is a cleansing agent that may help your body recover from the day’s toxic load, thus promoting a restful sleep; Lemon verbena helps regulate sleep and can help relieve insomnia; Spearmint is yummy and flavorful and may increase the potency of the other herbs to help you sleep.

Which Works Best?

I’ve not compared which tea works best. I like them both for their amazing herbs with wonderful sleep enhancing properties. And the taste profile is different with each. For taste, I’d choose the tea with passionflower, though I can’t explain why. Except, perhaps, the valerian root is not my preferred flavor.

If you’d like to give it the taste test, you can try the Organic Nighty Night with Passionflower here. And you can try the Organic Nighty Night with Valerian here. Let me know which you prefer and why!


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