Healing Power of the Sun

Harnessing the Healing Power of the Sun (science is finally embracing the light)

God has designed us to live, work, and enjoy His creation outdoors. We are designed to breathe fresh air, not the stagnant and often dirty air found inside our homes. And by design, we are made to enjoy a healthy moderate dose of sunlight exposure on a regular basis. Let’s not despise this wonderful gift that God has given. Let’s also remember to sift everything through the filter of God’s word. Science is always in discovery mode. The Bible is fixed eternally in heaven.

Embracing The Lights and Seasons God Created

Due to God’s design, the seasons cause changes in temperature, light, and length of day which results in soil changes, plant life changes, and the hours of man’s labor, etc. It reasonably follows that man in seeking to live within God’s design would naturally eat the foods that are in season for the particular area he is living in — as well as work and rest according to the season. By design plants, animals, humans, and the weather work synergistically together to produce the greatest benefit for all.