12 Minute Cardio Technique that Outperforms 5 Hours of Moderate Exercise

banner-1133782_1920One of my favorite excuses for not exercising regularly is “I don’t have enough time.” Fortunately, I have learned an exercise technique that can be done in as little as 12-minutes, 3 times a week and (according to Dr. Mercola) is more affective for your health than 5 hours of moderate exercise.

It may sound too good to be true — but I have experienced the benefits myself.

Dr. Mercola’s Peak Fitness is based on a technique called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It involves exerting your body “as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds.” Mercola continues, “You should be gasping for breath and feel like you couldn’t possibly go on another few seconds.” He recommends more intensity in repetition over resistance Continue reading “12 Minute Cardio Technique that Outperforms 5 Hours of Moderate Exercise”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Fasting Methods to Heal Your Digestive Glands: Part Two

intermittent-fasting-highresThe first method of fasting to heal the digestive glands involved working up slowly to a a 36 hour fast. Portions of that method could easily be implemented in the following plan by Dr. Mercola to acclimate the body slowly and lessen the symptoms commonly associated with fasting (headache, hunger, fatigue, low blood sugar). Continue reading “Fasting Methods to Heal Your Digestive Glands: Part Two”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved