The Roots of Western Civilization Run Straight to The Bible


The Roots of Western Civilization

Is there evidence that the roots of Western Civilization dig deep into the God’s law? What will happen if a civil government turns instead to man’s law as the fundamental rule of society?

Why Look to God’s Law to Cultivate the Roots of Western Civilization?

God’s law is perfect, sure, right, pure, true, and altogether righteous. It can restore the soul, make wise men out of simpletons, cause hearts to rejoice, and give understanding to the mind. (Psalm 19:7-11)

The Law of God has the power to make students wiser than their teachers, elders, and even their enemies. (Psalm 119:98-99)

Plus, God’s Law endures forever. It never changes, has the power to free captives, brings life and healing, and causes blessing to the people and nations who love and esteem it. 

Who can say with David, “Oh how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long”?

Read some of my favorite passages on the Law of God. 

The Law of Lives and Nations

Is it any wonder that God-fearing men and women of the past looked to God’s law as the proper and right way to rule their lives and nations?

Now we can understand why in the 14th-century, John Wycliffe was firmly intent on translating the Bible into the common tongue. He wrote, “This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

Christendom of past understood her role as “the Israel of God.” They were subject to His law, however unfaithful they may have been at applying it at times. 

Nonetheless, biblical law was accepted as the basis for ruling Christian nations. And so it once was in America. 

The Biblical Roots of American Civilization

The early colonies in America, heavily influenced by the Puritans, sought to bring the rule of God to New England. Thus, on March 2, 1641-2 and April 3, 1644, the New Haven Colony codified that God’s Law would be the law of the Colony. 

Included in these ordinances were these provisions:

      1. God’s Law as the foundation for law and order was agreed upon with the consent of the people.
      2. The judicial law given by Moses and expounded elsewhere in Scripture was a hedge and fence to the moral law.
      3. The only laws of Moses that were invalid were those that had specific reference to Canaan, were types and shadows of Christ, and were ceremonial in nature. 
      4. All other laws of God were to be the ruling factor in all court cases in the Colony. 
      5. Offenders of this law should be under the jurisdiction of the laws of Moses.  

The Least of The Commandments

Thomas Shephard, a highly esteemed Puritan preacher and figure in early colonial New England saw value in the ceremonial aspects of the Law of God also. He saw ceremonial laws as potential applications of the decalogue. 

Shephard was careful not to teach others to disobey even the least of the commandments. 

Those who see the Puritan’s understanding of the law as an unnatural practice for Christians, deny the Bible itself. Christ taught that not a jot or tittle shall pass from the law until He returns physically to earth. 

Instead, those who ignore God’s law as essential and valid for men and nations today have abandoned the teaching of Scripture and the God who changes not. 

Jesus Saw God’s Law As Important for All Time

Matthew opens the earthly ministry of Jesus with His appeal to obey and teach the whole law of God (Matthew 5:17-18) and He closes the book with the same command: 

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…teaching them to obey all that I have commanded.” — Matthew 28:18-20

To deny the Law is to deny the purpose of the church and to deny Christ. 

If we don’t attempt to get back to the biblical roots of Western Civilization, we are not a Christian nation. We cannot expect God to shower us with His promises. Blessings come to those who seek to obey all He has commanded. 

When we deny His law, we can expect His curses. See Deuteronomy 28.

This section summarizes and reflects my understanding and insights into The Importance of Law in the Introduction to the Institutes of Biblical Law by R.J. Rushdoony. 

If you are interested in studying the Law of God with me, message me. I’ll help you get signed up for a course.


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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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