The Faux Normal

The Faux Normal

When my daughter Emily was a little girl of five, she would complain daily of an upset stomach. As a mom who was raised to avoid doctors unless there was a broken limb, impending coma, or need for stitches, I figured the pain would pass, and it did, everyday. A few years later, she was also suffering from indigestion – especially when she ate pepperoni pizza. I would give her some pink goopy syrup, and she would feel better. Then the allergies started and incessant sinus infections. She was continually making unpleasant sinus noises. I did go to the doctor for this, and they would prescribe antibiotics for the sinus infection and Claritin (you used to need a prescription) for the allergies. Twice, she was prescribed an inhaler for asthma or asthma-like symptoms.

As a mother who did not let her daughter eat sugar, caffeine, or white flour, I thought I was doing what I could for her health. I thought all the above symptoms were normal. Let me say that again: I thought all the above symptoms were normal. Why? Because the majority of the population suffered the same problems.

The Change

When Emily was 11 years old, the Lord brought a new member into our family, a husband to me and a step-father to Emily. Along with this came a new understanding of healthy living. Changes were made immediately in our diet.

    • We switched to organic fruits and vegetables
    • We started grinding our own whole wheat grain
    • We began to drink Real Milk
      • organic from grass fed cows
      • raw (unpasteurized)
      • un-homogenized
      • exactly the way God intended it
      • the way people have been drinking it for millennia
    • We had a raw vegetable (not lettuce) salad at least two meals a day
    • We eliminated the majority of processed foods from our diet
    • We ate organic, natural meats
    • If the label did not read organic, it was probably not in our house

The Results

There was an immediate difference in Emily’s health. Within a year, all the NORMAL symptoms of ill-health disappeared. Six years of unnecessary discomfort vanished. No more heart burn, no more allergies, no more sinus infections, no more annoying sinus noises, and no more stomach aches. Click here to read about a few exceptions.

The Realization

I realized then and have continued growing in the realization that bad health is not normal and can be avoided. However, if a person continues to feast upon the supposed convenience and delights of the basic American diet (BAD) or the standard American diet (SAD) – they can expect sickness to be the norm. Over the past seven years, my understanding of health and nutrition continues to grow and improve as I discover and implement new ideas into our family and find ways to make them affordable. The truth is we can not afford to be sick.

Click here to read more about Emily’s health.

Take Action 

If you believe there is a connection between healthy living and illness and want to learn more, sign up to receive email notifications from this blog. If you are sick and are willing to do anything to get well, do the same; there is sure to be some advice that will help you in your struggle. On the other hand, if you’re sick, and you want to stay that way – go to the grocery store and keep buying your food.


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved