10 Reasons to Stand Against Forced Vaccinations

Forced Vaccinations

If you have been concerned about the increasing talk about (and the mounting pressure for) forced vaccinations — then you are not alone. Many people are deeply disturbed by the potential for this violation of our human rights and our God-ordained freedom to control our own bodies with dignity.  In response, we’ve put together the following ten talking points that demonstrate why mandatory vaccinations are not safe nor lawful. 

[Guest post from Robert Scott of Christians Praying Against Forced Vaccinations. Scott draws conclusions based on his research.]

1. Forced Vaccinations Are Bad Science

Forcing mass vaccination on a society assumes that everyone’s genetics and health conditions are equal — and that everyone will react the same to a vaccine. The understanding of genetics is one of the great advancements in recent science. We know that each person is genetically different from everyone else, with unique DNA — and we acknowledge that people respond differently to different stimuli. Common kindness dictates that we respect these differences. 

For example: 

  • If a person is allergic to peanuts, we recognize that weakness and do not force them to consume peanuts;
  • When someone has a cat allergy, we don’t mandate them to spend time with cats; or
  • For a person who cannot tolerate gluten, we care about them by providing them with gluten-free products.

The same ought to be true about vaccines. There are people with known genetic mutations or weaknesses whose bodies cannot detoxify from the adjuvants or other dangerous ingredients in vaccines. Sadly, many people only learn about this weakness after they suffer a vaccine injury. To ignore this reality and to force all people to take a vaccine is bad science (not to mention unkind). Good science recognizes that each individual is physically and genetically different with different susceptibilities.

Forcing vaccination also ignores that vaccines introduce dangerous animal viruses into humans that can cause harm. For example: 

  • The SV40 virus from monkey cells that contaminated the polio vaccine in the 1960s may be responsible for cancer in millions of Americans.
  • Researches have linked the XMRV retrovirus (from mice brains) with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. The MMR, polio, and encephalitis vaccines are likely culprits.

But there is more…

Forced Vaccinations Ignore the Lack of Scientific Support for Herd Immunity

Herd immunity is a theoretical concept that discounts individual and population differences and pretends that there is no distinction between natural and vaccine-induced immunity.

In 1933, a researcher named A.W. Hedrich originally purported the “herd immunity” theory. He had been studying measles patterns in the US between 1900 – 1931 (years before the creation of a measles vaccine) and observed that epidemics of the illness only occurred when less than 68% of children had developed a natural immunity to it. He based his theory upon the principle that children build their own immunity after suffering from or exposure to the disease. The original herd immunity theory was concerned with the natural disease processes and had nothing to do with vaccination. Hedrich concluded that if 68% of the population could build their own natural defenses, there would be no raging epidemic.

Later, vaccinologists adopted the “herd immunity” phrase and arbitrarily increased the figure from 68% to 95% without scientific justification.  Essentially, they took Hedrich’s study and manipulated it to promote their vaccination programs.

If you need the documentation for anything I share here, please visit my Facebook Page and ask me directly.

Vaccine “Science” Ignores That Vaccines Spread the Diseases They Are Designed to Cure

A known side effect of vaccinations is that vaccines can spread disease. After receiving a vaccination, people can shed and spread the same disease the vaccine is attempting to prevent.    

For example, children vaccinated with the varicella vaccine for chickenpox (VARIVAX) should not be around certain pregnant women for 6 weeks? It says so right on the vaccine insert:

Due to the concern for transmission of vaccine virus, vaccine recipients should attempt to avoid whenever possible close association with susceptible high-risk individuals for up to six weeks following vaccination with VARIVAX. Susceptible high-risk individuals include:

  • Immunocompromised individuals;
  • Pregnant women without documented history of varicella or laboratory evidence of prior infection;
  • Newborn infants of mothers without documented history of varicella or laboratory evidence of prior infection and all newborn infants born at <28 weeks gestation regardless of maternal varicella immunity.

Did they ever tell you that when you received your vaccines?

Forcing mass vaccination will increase the risk of disease to susceptible high-risk individuals. 

2. Forced Vaccinations Promote Financial Corruption at the Expense of Cheaper and Safer Treatments

You have no doubt witnessed how vaccines are being pushed by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, especially concerning COVID-19. One of their tactics is to create excessive fear. If they are successful, they stand to gain both money and control by creating a worldwide vaccine tracking system that won’t stop with COVID-19. Yet the well-known and relatively safe treatment of hydroxychloroquine (also used against malaria, and used on lupus patients), zinc, and azithromycin is down-played and criticized by many in the media.

What could their agenda be?

3. Vaccine Makers Are Not Liable for Injuries

In all other areas of commerce, businesses are held liable if they hurt people through neglect or malice. This is not the case in the vaccine industry. Vaccine manufacturers are not held liable when their vaccines injure, maim, or kill people (so long as the vaccine is listed on the CDC’s immunization schedule). As a result, vaccines don’t undergo the scrutiny that other drugs do.

So who is responsible for the injuries? 

The federal government takes the responsibility for vaccine injuries through the VAERS court system (when the injury can be proved in their court system). Studies have shown that perhaps only one percent of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS. Of that amount, very few win settlements. Even so, the VAERS court has paid over $4 billion in vaccine injury claims.

What kind of politician would subject people to involuntary injury or death with no protections and little recourse? The HHS took on the responsibility to ensure that vaccines are safe. Unfortunately, they have neglected their duty since 1986.

You can read more in this Vaccine Safety white paper by Informed Consent Action Network. 

4. Forcing Vaccinations Ignores Civil Rights and Ethics

Only a slave cannot control what happens to his body. Accepting forced vaccinations acknowledges falsely that we are slaves to the civil government. Only Christ has the power to dictate what we do with our bodies. 

5. Vaccinations Are Medical “Russian Roulette” 

The literal Russian Roulette game is a lethal game of chance in which a player places a single bullet in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against their head, and pulls the trigger, in the hope that the round does not reach the barrel of the gun and therefore fire.

No one knows for sure who will get sick (immediately or in 10 years) or even die from a vaccine. Yet forced vaccinations require everyone to participate in this medical “Russian Roulette” gamble. How would you react if someone did this to you or your family with a literal gun? Yet the consequences of forced vaccinations might be no less physically damaging.

6. Mandating Vaccines Assumes They Don’t Work

If vaccines do work as touted, then whoever takes one should be safe from the disease they are vaccinated against. No one should have to worry about what others are doing in this regard. Why try to force vaccination on another if you are vaccinated from the disease? We should allow each person to choose for themselves.  If someone chooses not to take a vaccine for himself/herself or family, it is that person’s business. Or else vaccinations don’t work as they claim.

7. Forced Vaccinations Are Morally Objectionable

Requiring vaccinations without allowing for conscientious objections ignores the rights of people who believe that God does not want them to inject animal and aborted baby DNA into themselves or their children. Any Christian who believes that God will bless the results of a vaccine made with aborted baby cells should rethink his/her understanding of God’s judgments.

The apostle Paul warns in Ephesians 5:11: “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.”

And that is exactly what we are attempting to do, expose these evil deeds. 

Learn more about the dangers of vaccinations here. 

8. Forcing Vaccination Ignores The Past

The Nuremberg Code of Ethics came into existence as a result of The Nuremberg Trials after World War II.

The code exists to govern medical research conducted on people.  Here is a summary provided by the Law Dictionary.

  1. Subject must voluntarily consent.
  2. The experiment should yield fruitful results.
  3. Animal testing must precede human testing.
  4. No physical or mental suffering to be involved.
  5. There should be no risk of injury, disablement, or death.
  6. Degree of risk cannot be greater than the importance of the problem.
  7. Preparations will safeguard against injury or death.
  8. Conducted by scientifically qualified people.
  9. Subject has the right to stop the experiment.
  10. Those in charge must stop the experiment if they see a negative effect on the subject.

Forced medical procedures and vaccinations directly violate the first, fifth, and ninth principles of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics. Since each person is physically and genetically different, they will react differently to medical procedures and vaccinations. Each event of a forced procedure or vaccination is an “experiment.” When procedural or vaccine injury occurs, the fourth principle has been violated.

[Keep in mind, if there were never any vaccine injuries, then the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program would not exist. Each vaccine’s printed insert lists the known potential health reactions to the vaccine. Learn more.

If a vaccine injury develops into a lifetime chronic health problem (just to avoid a week-long infection), then this is a violation of the sixth principle of the Nuremberg Code. Many parents of SIDS children would declare that the death of their child violates the seventh and the ninth principle.

When vaccines injure a close friend or a family member, people start to see the dangers of vaccines. The outcry against vaccine injury is growing in step with the vaccine schedule, as more and more injuries are happening. Any politician who forces vaccinations on the population may well find himself or herself as a defendant in a new “Nuremberg type” trial one day.

9. Forced Vaccination Amounts to Bribery

Many of the politicians pushing forced vaccinations are receiving bribes from the pharmaceutical industry. It is well-known that Big Pharma is the leader in financial contributions through lobbying. Many politicians may also own stock in the pharmaceutical companies, and legislation that promotes forced vaccinations will create more profits for them. Eventually, the truth will come out. Dirty politicians will reap what they have sown.

The Bible says, “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”

10. Forcing Vaccinations Is Arrogant

To mandate that men, women, and children must receive a vaccine is arrogant at its best and satanic at its worst. No civil magistrate, elected official, or servant of the state has the authority to force vaccinations on its subjects — especially with the known dangers and risks. To do so is to say they are God — and they are not.

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Will you pray with us to put an end to forced vaccinations?

Join our Facebook Prayer group here. 


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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