5 Minute Exercise Routine to Get Your Blood Circulating at the Capillary Level

CoverThere are many reasons we should exercise — and there are many kinds of exercise routines. This routine, which can be done in as little as five minutes, is designed to get the blood pumping into all parts of the body at the capillary level.

In our Biblical Health Study, we have emphasized that the Scripture teaches “The Life of the Flesh Is in the Blood.” In order for the “life” in the blood to enter the flesh, it must enter through capillaries. And capillaries can only process a single drop of blood at a time. There are many factors that can restrict blood flow to the capillaries. When blood flow is restricted, the body begins to function below its capability, eventually causing disease and illness. This exercise routine is geared to counter those restricting factors so the life of the blood can flow to all areas of your body, promoting life and health.

The routine is super simple — but don’t be fooled by its simplicity. It is effective and also provides a bit of cardio. If you are not currently accustomed to physical activity — please start slow.

1. The Handshake — the fingers, wrists, and joints need good circulation too. Simply shake your hands for 10-15 seconds. See video for demonstration.

2. The Knee Twist — this simple exercise gets the blood flowing into the knee joints, ankles, legs and back.

  1. First squat slightly with your hands resting above your knees
  2. Then rotate your knees 10 times in one direction
  3. Then rotate your knees 10 times in the other direction
  4. See video for demonstration.

3. The Bird on the Wing — this works the wrists, shoulders, arms, back, and neck for stretching and circulation.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart
  2. Stretch your arms out like you are going to hug someone or tell them you love them “this much”
  3. Tuck your head as you place the back of your hands on your hips, elbows out
  4. Repeat 10 times
  5. See video for demonstration

4. The Flamingo — not only does this work balance, it gets the blood circulating in the hips. legs, arms, and shoulders. It also gets the heart pumping.

  1. Balance on left foot
  2. Lift right knee up toward chest and then kick back
  3. At the same time move left arm forward and right arm back
  4. Repeat 10 times
  5. Switch feet for another 10 repetitions
  6. See video for demonstration

5. The Waist Twist — this works the arms, waist, and neck. Of course all these circulation techniques work more than can be listed here as our bodies are a whole unit.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart
  2. Stretch out your arms out wide
  3. Twist at the waist while swinging your arms
  4. Allow your head to turn side to side with your body
  5. Twist a total of 20 times
  6. See video for demonstration

6. The Windmill — this exercise not only works for blood circulation, but it also gives you a bit of a cardio workout.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart
  2. Move your arms in a windmill like position, rotating backwards 3 times
  3. On the count of three keep your hands up in the air and stretch
  4. Hold it for a second
  5. Then rotate arms three times in the opposite direction 3 times
  6. On the count of three bend your knees and swoop your hands down to the floor
  7. Hold position for about a second
  8. Repeat 10 times
  9. See video for demonstration

7. The Tippy Toe Flop — get some blood into your calves, back, and arms with this fun exercise.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart
  2. Stand on your tippy toes
  3. While on tippy toes stretch arms as high in the air as you can, stretching your back
  4. Bend knees and swoop your arms down and back
  5. While knees are bent, swoop and bend arms toward the front and then back again
  6. Stand up straight
  7. Repeat 10 times
  8. See video for demonstration

8. The Heil Whoever — move the blood throughout your legs, hips, arms, and back with this simple exercise.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart
  2. Put your right leg forward and your right arm up
  3. Simultaneously put your left leg back and your left arm down
  4. Position your body forward pivoting your hips and switch
  5. Put your left leg forward and your left arm up
  6. Simultaneously put your left right leg back and your right arm down
  7. Repeat 10 times
  8. See video for demonstration

9. The Hipster Kick — this gets blood into the hips, legs, waist, and more.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart, arms to the side
  2. Twist your waist slightly, lifting up your right leg in a controlled kick toward the left in front of your body
  3. Return to the front
  4. Twist your waist slightly, lifting up your left leg in a controlled kick toward the right in front of your body
  5. Return to the front
  6. Repeat 10 times
  7. See video for demonstration

10. Side to Side — if this routine had a “cool down” it would begin here. This is a nice stretching exercise that reaches the sides of your body, additional arm muscles, and the neck.

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart, arms to the side
  2. Lift your right arm over your head stretching lightly your right side
  3. Simultaneously stretch your neck in the same direction
  4. Return to an upright position
  5. Next lift your left arm over your head stretching lightly your left side
  6. Simultaneously stretch your neck in the same direction
  7. Return to an upright position
  8. Repeat 10 times
  9. See video for demonstration

11. Touch the Toes

  1. Begin with your legs about shoulder length apart, arms to the side
  2. Slowly bend down to touch your toes (if you can’t touch your toes — work up to it)
  3. Hold gently for a few seconds
  4. Don’t over strain your back or legs
  5. Repeat up to three times
  6. See video for demonstration


That sums up the exercises for Blood Circulation at the Capillary Level. These exercises are adapted from Russ Sinclair’s Systemic Health.

Next in the Biblical Health Study we will explore some simple cardio techniques that can build endurance, save time, and combat the effects of aging.

Next: 12 Minute Cardio Technique that Outperforms 5 Hours of Moderate Exercise

Return to: Biblical Health Study


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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