Why I Had to Quit Drinking Coffee: Part One

Why I Quit Drinking CoffeeCoffee and I have had a love hate relationship most of my life. I generally do not like to be controlled by anything (save self and the Holy Spirit). But from time to time coffee takes a hold of me and doesn’t want to release me from her brown claws.

Know that I am not preaching against coffee. Recent studies show that it does have some health benefits. Read Dr. Mercola on the topic. More importantly coffee is a natural substance created by God — so it can’t be defenestrated (thrown out the window) without understanding whether or not it is good for you as an individual.

The Apostle Paul says that everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. And as God has created us each unique persons, and as each of us have a unique set of hereditary weaknesses that have trickled down from the curse — so each person must access the value of coffee in their own life.

For me coffee has both a negative and a positive effect on my body.

First the negative. 

  • When my diet does not have the calcium and magnesium it needs to be healthy, or my body is over stressed, coffee can cause my heart to beat irregularly, missing beats, arrhythmia.
  • When my body is low in needed nutrients, coffee can cause me to be irritable, emotional, and irrational.
  • When my hormones are not balanced properly, coffee can cause me to have female problems. I wrote about it here.
  • When I don’t have the proper nutrition in my body, coffee can cause sleepless nights.
  • And…I have a tendency to become reliant upon caffeine.

Now for the positive.

  • Coffee has a therapeutic effect on my elimination processes, helping me to stay regular (as I inherited a weak bowel which had me in the hospital at the age of 17).
  • I enjoy the taste and the “lift” it provides.
  • Through the years, I have been able to stop drinking coffee whenever I felt it had a hold on me to such a degree that I “needed” it to survive.

Recently, however, coffee (which has an acidifying effect on the body) has gotten a hold of me to the point where I did not want to take a break from its addictive qualities. But a series of events led to me to change my position.

The First Event.

I have been suffering from a staff infection in my finger for several years. The infection has been held captive in a boil or carbuncle that would not come to a head, nor dissipate. It has been a bane in my side. Recently I noticed it was trying to come to a head, so I began using Grapefruit Seed Extract (G.S.E.) on it wrapping my finger in a bandage.

The finger finally erupted and released much of the infection, but not all of it. Later, I switched to Castor Oil, alternating with honey, because it was milder on the finger. It has erupted 3 times so far, getting smaller and smaller each time.

My husband kept reminding me that I needed to fight the infection from the inside of my body, not just the outside. After all, he reminded me, “the life of the flesh is in the blood.” I knew coffee might be one thing that was holding the infection captive, since it was likely causing an acidifying effect on my body. Disease thrives in an acidic environment, but dies out in an alkaline environment. But I didn’t want to give up my coffee. In fact, I was willing to give up wine (which the Bible says has healing properties) before I gave up coffee. That is how addicted I had become.

It was literally controlling me. And I could not give it up. I had even increased the amount of coffee I had been drinking. I justified that it was only “one cup” a day. Which was true — but it wasn’t a small cup. It was a REALLY large one. And I made it super strong. In addition, it was not having its usual “regulating” effect on my digestion — so it was not producing the benefits that started me drinking it the first place. I just did not want to say “no” to my morning coffee.

But something happened that shook me out of my comfort zone…

Read the rest of the story now!

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Want to avoid the health insurance trap? And help other Christians at the same time? Read this. 

Escape the Health Insurance Trap


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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