What Are The Least of The Commandments?


Least of These Commandments

I’m setting out to study God’s Law because I trust Jesus when He said that He didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.

Jesus also stated that not a jot or tittle would pass away from the Law until everything is accomplished. I understand this to refer to His physical return.

In His same sermon, Christ warned that those who teach others to ignore the least of the commandments of God would be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, and those who are careful to observe the least of these will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. See Matthew 5:17-19.

So which laws are the least of God’s Commandments?

The answer to this question varies from church to church and denomination to denomination. Some say there are no commandments at all, merely “suggestions.” Others teach a three-fold nature to the law: Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral — and claim we are only obligated to keep the moral.

We know decisively that the sacrificial elements of the Ceremonial Laws are no longer necessary because Christ is the final sacrifice. Now, when we need forgiveness for sins, we don’t have to slay an animal. Rather, we look to Christ, the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world.

How do we know which laws are valid today?

But how do we know precisely which laws are ceremonial? And which laws are civil? If they are valid? And if they’re the “least” of these commandments? Or is Jesus merely talking about…

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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