10 Bible Verses That Gave Me Victory Over Hopelessness

You withhold no good thing.Over the last 5 years

  • I have packed and moved my belongs 13 times
  • to four different states
  • from the west coast to the east.

Sometimes I’ve stayed as little as two weeks in a home — other times not much longer than a year. The last time I had to pack my belongings, I almost cried every day. We were moving to a beautiful location — it was definitely an upgrade to where we had been living. But the act of moving was so heavy upon me. If you have ever had to pack and unpack your belonging even once, you might have a glimpse of the struggle. This was the 13th time in 5 years.

I never wanted to move again. I asked God to put me somewhere I could stay for long term. I wasn’t sure if this new house was going to work out, but I hoped.

Within the first month of moving to my dream house, my hopes were dashed. I knew the situation couldn’t be permanent. There were issues with the house beyond my control that would take a miracle to overcome.

Another move was inevitable. In fact, we were dangling over the precipice of homelessness. God had brought me to a breaking point. I was totally helpless and hopeless. I spent much time in prayer and tears before the Lord.

I knew God was for me and I knew He loved me — but it was so hard to trust Him with another move. I knew the only way I could overcome was to put my mind upon truth:

  • Who is God?
  • What has He done?
  • What is doing now?

I had to trust Him.

Journalling helps me overcome many troubles, so I journaled 10 Bible verses and meditated on them daily. With His strength, I was able to face the uncertain future with peace. God didn’t change my situation, He changed me. I gained the strength to rest in Him — moment by moment. And, by His grace, not only did I grow in trust — but He also worked out the impossible situation and we have not had to move. He worked things out in a way that I could not have imagined. But, there are no guarantees about tomorrow — which forces me to continue to rest in His goodness.

Today we are able to dwell in our home. This is enough — as each day has enough trouble of its own.

Here are the 10 verses that took me from hopelessness to peace — written in the way that ministered to my soul in my journal:

  1. Isaiah 55:9 — Your ways are higher than mine
  2. Psalm 84:11 — You withhold no good thing
  3. Philippians 4:19 — You supply all of my needs
  4. 2 Peter 1:3 — You have granted me everything pertaining to life and godliness
  5. Ephesians 3:30 — You do exceedingly above all I could ask or think
  6. Jeremiah 31:3 — You love me with an everlasting love
  7. Psalm 32:8 — You counsel and guide me with your eye upon me
  8. Romans 8:28 — You work out all things for my good
  9. Ephesians 2:10 — You have created good works for me to walk in
  10. Romans 8:31 — You are for me, none can be against

Meditating on these thoughts each day, forced me to trust the “reality” of the situation. God knew what He was doing in my life. He loved me and would provide everything I needed — even if I had to move again. In fact, if I did have to move again, it would be for my good. I was learning to be resigned to whatever God had in store for me.

Here is where God put me. And here is where I will stay until He moves me on. While the view is amazing, the only thing that is certain is His love. IMG_0048

If the above verses speak to you the way they spoke to me, I encourage you to look them up in the Bible for the full context — and meditate on them daily. God cares.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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