One Simple Step To End Abortion – From The Comfort Of Home!


[This post is a step aside from the ordinary. Thank you for reading! It could save a life!]

If we were to be honest, we are all pro-life.

Human beings have a built in mechanism that desires to preserve life. We fight and struggle each day to survive – sometimes against great odds. This principle is present in the very core of our society, and Hollywood demonstrates this idea movie after movie.

We cheer on the hero who is trying to rescue the weak and innocent (or at least his own self), while we boo the villian who is trying to destroy the life of the innocent or weak. But…are we missing something?

What about the weakest and most innocent of all people – little children – particularly those in the safety of their mother’s womb. The same innocent children who would continue to live and laugh and love and dream, except perhaps that the child’s mother decides to end its little life because of the lies of the pro-choice movement.

Murder is never justified by convenience! If so, it would have been fine for Hitler to kill millions of innocent people. It would have been okay for Stalin to do the same. Because a human being has not had the opportunity to take its first breath, makes them no less human than you or I, nor is the act of ending their heartbeat anything less than murder!

Who is going to save the children from the abortion industry? And it is an industry, masterminded by the greatest villian ever. Shall we continue to cheer him on? Or shall we stand with the truth and our own convictions to preserve life! Children in the womb are indeed living beings – this fact cannot be denied.

I implore you to watch this powerful video. It could save millions of lives! Then click on this link to see the one simple thing you can do to help end abortion.


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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


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