Keep Your Child Safe from Chronic Disease


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Did you know:

    • America has the highest infant death rate among the top 20 industrialized nations in the world? (1)
    • 1 in 6 US children has a developmental disability? (2)
    • 32 million American children have a chronic illness or condition? (3)

It hasn’t always been this way in America. And things could get worse.

Scientists and doctors at the National Institute of Health predict that the prevalence of chronic illness will continue to rise in America. (4)

What’s gone wrong?

American children are suffering from an increasing rate of chronic conditions and death.  

  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy
  • Speech delays
  • Developmental disorders
  • Cancer
  • SIDS

And more. 

Could the Rise in Chronic Disease Be Related to the Increase in the CDC’s Vaccine Schedule? (5)


Vaccine Safety and Chronic Illness


Coincidence or Cause?

The Vaccine Injury Court has paid out over $4 billion dollars in secret court sessions so vaccine manufacturers won’t be held liable for injuries their vaccines cause. The Vaccine Court began in 1986 after vaccine manufacturers were losing money due to costly lawsuits from parents whose children were injured or killed by vaccines. The pharmaceutical industry was going to shut down the vaccine program because there were too many “unavoidable risks” to children and infants — and the lawsuits were piling up.

Rather than put an end to vaccines, legislators passed the National Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, removing the liability from the pharmaceutical industry and placing the injury burden on the public. To date, secret courts have paid out over $4 billion dollars for injury claims. Meanwhile, the drug companies are free to manufacturer their harmful vaccines without culpability. 

Did you know your child has a price tag? The max payout for death is $250,000. That’s the value of the life of a child in America.

Here are some injury claims and/or risks listed on the vaccine inserts (6):

    • ADD/ADHD
    • Autism
    • Arthritis
    • Asthma
    • Speech delays
    • Juvenile diabetes
    • Seizure disorders
    • Developmental disorders
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • Death
    • Ovarian failure
    • MS
    • SIDS
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Cancer

This list mimics the same chronic conditions mentioned above. 

And should it be a surprise?

What’s in a Vaccine Anyway?

Consider this partial list of ingredients found in vaccines: 

    • DNA fragments from aborted male and female fetuses
    • Detergent
    • Formaldehyde
    • Neomycin
    • Polysorbate 80
    • Thimerosal
    • Aluminum
    • Phenol polymyxin B
    • Soy peptone
    • Streptomycin
    • Growth mediums
    • Monkey cells
    • Enzymes
    • Bacterias
    • Viruses

This is merely a partial list of the potentially damaging ingredients found in vaccines. (7) But there are others — and most of them you would not consider ingesting, let alone injecting into a day one old infant — which happens to be when the CDC recommends your child gets their first vaccine — if you don’t count the ones you are given while pregnant. 

Have Vaccine Safety Naysayers Looked at These Ingredients?

Some pro-vaccine advocates who are aware of the distasteful ingredients in vaccines excuse them away with trite sayings like — “There is more formaldehyde in a pear than a vaccine.”

Can you remember the last time you injected a pear into a day one old baby?

I feel like I should be able to stop here. Let common sense take over. But for whatever reason, people want to defend vaccines as the saviour and defender of human life (even though God assigned Himself that role long ago). There are even Christians who defend injecting toxic ingredients into infants and children — including fetal DNA fragments from aborted fetuses. I honestly can’t understand what kind of delusion could cause a Christian to wink at the murder of infants. 

Here’s how they argue: Yes. The killing is a shame. But let’s make good use of the dead babies (since they’re already dead) and inject their DNA fragments into our most precious living children to save their lives (and get incensed when others don’t want to comply).

I’m sorry that I’m getting a little agitated here. But I think it should agitate you too. If someone — ANYONE — tells you it is okay to inject male and female DNA fragments into your child (gender confusion anyone?), you’ve got to question their sanity. I don’t care WHO they are. That person is deluded. At least on this issue. There is no other option. 

Aborted Fetal DNA Fragments in Vaccines

Not all vaccines are made from aborted fetal tissue. But you’d better do your research to find out which ones are — and don’t allow anyone to inject you, your aging parents, or your children with vaccines made from human tissue. Here’s a partial list of vaccines that are made on the carcasses of human babies as of 2018: 

    • Varivax (chickenpox)
    • MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella)
    • Imovax (rabies)
    • ProQuad (measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox)
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis A & B
    • Polio Sabin (oral polio vaccine)
    • Zostavax (shingles)

and more. (8

What you WILL NOT see on the vaccine insert ingredient list are the words fetal DNA fragments. Rather, the vaccine ingredient inserts will show MCR-5 or WI-38.

Who Are (or were) MRC-5 and WI-38?

Allow me to introduce you to the baby boy and the baby girl who were aborted and named like something out of a science fiction horror movie. 

    • The WI-38 cell line was made from a 3 month old baby girl approximately 20 cm long who was aborted in Sweden in the early 1960s because her parents had too many children. She was packed on ice and sent to the US where she was dissected for research. WI stands for Winstar Institute.  
    •  The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week baby boy who was aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old otherwise healthy British woman. 

These are not the only cell lines developed on the back of dead babies. In fact, it took the murder of 37 babies to get to WI-38. And then there’s HEK-293, PER-C6, RA-273, VA-4, RDNA, and more. (9)

These cell lines will not last forever. New vaccines will need new fetal tissue lines to continue production in the future. China is already taking the lead with WALVAX-2 (10) — but how many more dead babies do we need until we stand up and say ENOUGH?

Embryonic Stem Cell Conundrum

You may remember several years ago that “stem cells” were the big discussion in medical and ethical debates — more specifically — embryonic stem cells. Was it ethical to take a female egg that had been fertilized by a male sperm and use stem cells from the five day old “embryo” or “fibroblast” to treat disease? Science thought they had found the cure all to everything.

As it turns out, fetal stem cells were not ideal for injecting into humans (imagine that) because they were tumorigenic — meaning because of their primitive nature (and maybe because it wasn’t part of God’s design for humans to be experimented on in such a vile fashion) — the stem cells grew irregularly or spontaneously morphed into something other than desired (like tumors).

Additionally, the cells were found to possibly “trigger an immune response in which the recipient’s body attacks the stem cells as foreign invaders, or the stem cells might simply fail to function normally, with unknown consequences.” (11)

Vaccine Safety Concerns Due to Fetal DNA

While researchers continue to study how to control variables in embryonic stem cells, Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD (with her doctorate in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University) sought a different path: adult stem cells.

Her research led to the discovery of adult stem cells that were more stable and useful than embryonic stem cells.  She was the first scientist to patent and research adult stem cells as a superior alternative to embryonic stem cells and without ethical concerns. 

But stem cells are not Dr. Theresa Deisher’s only subject of research; she is also an advocate for vaccine safety. She wrote an open letter to US legislators regarding the “unrefuted scientific facts [that] vaccine[s]” are “heavily contaminated with human fetal DNA from the production process.” (12)

Deisher goes on to explain that the “levels in our children can reach up to 5 ng/ml after vaccination, depending on the age, weight and blood volume of the child. That level is known to activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), which can cause autoimmune attacks much like the embryonic stem cells.

Additional Proof of Fetal DNA Fragments in Vaccines

If for some reason you need additional testimony to the fact that there are DNA fragments from aborted fetuses in vaccines, consider this research by Corvelva, an independent research company in Italy.  

What did they find in the MMRV (Priorix Tetra) vaccine? (13)

    1. Antigens – 3 out of 4 attenuated viruses were identified and sequenced. Rubella was detected in a very low number of copies. Varicella, mumps and measles viruses have higher mutations, probably derived from the attenuation of a large number of minor variants (quasipecies).
    2. Chemical Contaminants (signals) – 115-173 (29-43% known)
    3. Protein Contaminants – Sarcoplasmin calcium-binding protein, Actina e Vimentina
    4. Residual DNA/RNA deriving from cultured cells – Total amount of DNA: 1.7-3.7 μg/dose,  80% of which was human (Human fetal DNA / RNA from the MRC-5 cell line), including an intact genome, belonging to a male human being. Other amount of DNA: chicken
    5. Adventitious viruses – Human endogenous retrovirus K, Equine infectious anemia virus, Avian leukosis virus, HERV-H/env62
    6. Other microbial contaminants – Proteobacteria, nematode-helminth

We will leave it up to you to research what all these things mean. But I assure you, it isn’t good.

An Important Question: Are Vaccines Safe?

How much aborted fetal DNA is acceptable to inject into children?

It seems practical from a Christian worldview that the answer would be none. And the answer science should give is “we really do not know” — because there have been very little (if any) studies to determine the dangers. And the studies that have been done on this issue are seemingly ignored — because they don’t show results that support the pro-vaccine narrative. 

Morality aside (though it is never an aside), fetal DNA injected into the flesh of another human can generate a negative immune response leading to auto-immunity (your immune system attacking your own tissue and organs and/or incorporating into the genes of those injected) according to Molecular and Cellular Physiologist, Dr. Theresa Deisher.

But that is not the only evidence that should cause you to question vaccine safety. 

The reality is that there have been no safety studies that show that vaccines are safe.

The Gold Standard for Scientific Safety Studies

When a pharmaceutical drug is tested for safety, it must go through rigorous testing that last years. And the drug must be tested with an inert placebo like sugar or saline. (14)

For example: (15)

    • Enbrel, an injection used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, was studied for 80 months prior to licensing.  The control was a saline injection.  (16)
    • Lipitor, a statin drug, went through 4.8 years of trials prior to licensure. And the placebo control was a sugar pill. (17)
    • Botox, used to treat muscle spasms and relax wrinkles, was studied 51 weeks prior to approval by the FDA. The control was a saline injection. (18)

These trials lasted from 4.25 years to over 6.5 years — and each was conducted with an inert placebo.

Would you expect more stringent testing for mandated vaccinations for children — or at least something similar?

The reality is abhorrent.

What Vaccine Safety Studies Exist?

If the gold standard for pharmaceutic approval is a double blind placebo study with an inert control — and safety testing usually lasts years — what would you expect for vaccine safety studies?

Let’s consider the two name brands of the Hepatitis B vaccine given to our most vulnerable United States citizens on day one of birth. 

We will go straight to the vaccine inserts to see how many months and years Merck’s RECOMBIVAX HB (hepatitis B) vaccine was safety tested prior to approval by the FDA. 

Heb B Safety Studies

If you question these statistics, you can access the vaccine insert for yourself. (19)

Perhaps GlaxoSmithKline was more concerned about the clinical trials. You decide: 

GlaxoSmithKline GSK Hep. B Insert

Again, these statistics are not a secret. They are listed directly on the vaccine insert that YOUR doctor is SUPPOSED to SHARE with YOU along with the associated risks before injecting you (or your child) with a needle. (20)

Placebo Controls in Vaccine Safety Studies

Del Bigtree, medical journalist and vaccine-safety advocate has dug deep into the safety trials and discovered something even more astonishing than the lack of long-term safety testing of vaccines. 

Even more amazing is that unlike every drug licensed by the FDA, the control groups in these vaccine trials did not receive an inert placebo. Rather, the control group was given one or more previously licensed vaccines as the “placebo.”  This means each new vaccine need only be roughly as safe as one (or in some cases numerous) previously licensed vaccines. Such flawed and unscientific study designs cannot establish the actual safety profile of any vaccine. The real adverse event rate for a vaccine can only be determined by comparing subjects receiving the vaccine with those receiving an inert placebo. Yet, this study design, required for every drug, is never required before or after licensing a vaccine. (21)

Additionally, Bigtree, working side by side with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has questioned the Health and Human Services (HHS) about these concerns. The HHS is the government organization “entrusted” with vaccine safety.

When asked why there were no double-blind inert placebo studies (or if there were to PROVIDE them) — HHS responded, saying that there were no double-blind inert placebo studies and that it would be unethical to deprive children of vaccines in order to do those studies. 

Watch Dr. Stanley Plotkins, the grandfather of vaccines, testify to the “unethical” nature of double blind placebo testing for vaccines on children (stay tuned for about 2 minutes — and if you really want an education about vaccines, watch to all nine hours of deposition — or download a copy). 


What Can You Do to Increase Vaccine Safety Awareness?

I know I’ve presented you with a lot of “controversial” information on vaccine safety. I challenge you to read every footnote and every source that I’ve shared on this topic. Challenge my conclusions. I welcome it. You can even email me with any proof that what I have stated here is false. I will look into it. If I have shared anything that can not be substantiated, I will update this post to reflect it and send you an email letting you know what I have done. However, I will not respond to trolls. You know who you are. 

If you are sickened by what I have shared and want to snatch your friends out of the fire, I’ve included some action tips below. 

There are several things you can do to help spread the word about vaccine safety. But take heed. The pharmaceutical industry owns Hollywood, social media, Google, FaceBook, mainstream media, Congress, and other players in the vaccine debate. They are paying BILLIONS of dollars to make their narrative louder than mine — even though the facts speak for themselves. Vaccines are a slam dunk profit machine. Once a vaccine gets on the vaccine schedule two things happen:

    1. Drug companies get an automatic client base for their products (almost every child born).
    2. No-one can sue them if their vaccines injure or kill a child. 

It is for these two reasons that the pharmaceutical companies are scratching and clawing to silence vaccine-safety advocates around the globe. 

Read about the realities of vaccine censorship here. 

 But here are some practical steps you can take to make a difference in this crucial issue. 

1. Study to show yourself approved.

You must arm yourself with the truth about vaccine safety. Here are some sound resources to start you on your journey. 

    • Sign up and watch Del Bigtree’s The High Wire. Del puts out new material weekly. He is a strong force in the vaccine safety arena. He also operates a non-profit Informed Consent Action Network with lots of helpful resources. 
    • Watch the Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety — another powerhouse of information by Del Bigtree (and the inspiration to write this article). 
    • Read about the spurious claims about how vaccines are responsible for eradicating disease in Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humpries. 
    • Visit Vaccines and Christianity to learn which Christians are standing up against the atrocities of vaccines. 
    • Sign up for Brittany Kara’s newsletter to get your Top Ten Vaccine Questions Answered. The article is outstanding and includes excellent resources to begin your research. 
    • Seek out and read vaccine inserts to learn about the ingredients, studies, and adverse reactions. 
    • Study up on the Vaccine Injury Court and how it works. 
    • Don’t take anyone’s word for anything. Do your own research. 

2. Spread the word about vaccine safety.

    • Share this post on FB Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, or your favorite social media site — or email a link to all your friends. 
    • Talk to a friend about what you’ve been learning. Point them to one of the resources above (or in the footnote section).  
    • Download a FREE PDF TriFold “Did You Know?” brochure and print out glossy color copies.
    • When you see a pregnant mom, hand her a glossy color trifold brochure.

3. Don’t spread false information about vaccine safety.

The pharmaceutical giants and those working toward their agenda have spread enough false information about vaccines. Don’t participate in their lying tactics. Always make sure what you are sharing is the truth. Double check your facts. We have an obligation to be extra careful with what vaccine information we share so that our message will be spotless and true. One false fact can discredit everything — even if the rest of our testimony is accurate. 

4. Be respectful of naysayers.

It can be very difficult to tolerate the lies of the pharmaceutical industry and those who promote its agenda. Many people have fallen prey to the deception and lies — even good people. Every inclination may be to become annoyed and disrespectful of those who promote the vaccine agenda. But we must be the light in this issue — and show respect to all men and women — even if they disagree. 

I’ve made this mistake. So I know it happens. I too must be extra vigilant in this area. I admit that it is a struggle.

5. Stay encouraged in the fight for vaccine safety.

It can be extremely discouraging to see vaccine propaganda promoted and pushed upon the American people. When laws are passed that trample human rights and mandate vaccinations, we might be tempted to lose heart and feel that we have lost the battle. We must stay encouraged, remembering that God is on our side. He hates liars and deceivers. And He never approves of harming some to save others. It is not His way. He is on the side of righteousness and justice always. And He will win this battle. 

We don’t know how long this battle will rage; but we must keep fighting the good fight. 

6. Weep for the injured.

Don’t allow your heart to be calloused over the children and adults injured by vaccines. Weep for every injured party — even for those parents who refuse to see or believe the connection. 

7. Pray for God to intervene.

Pray for God to intervene and put an end to the atrocities done in the name of healthcare. Here is where I pray imprecatory prayers. While I must be respectful of naysayers, I can ask God to silence, discredit, destroy, or convert those men and women who support vaccines. 

Specifically, I pray in this way by name for: 

    • Dr. Richard Pan
    • Dr. Stanly Plotkin
    • Dr. Paul Offit
    • Pharmaceutical companies — Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Sanofi, and Seqirus
    • Liars and deceivers in the CDC, FDA, HHS, WHO, and others

And I ask God to remove, silence, destroy, and tear down all liars, deceivers, and censors in the media who are promulgating death until they repent, including by name:

    • CNN
    • FaceBook
    • NBC
    • CBS
    • FOX
    • MailChimp
    • Twitter
    • Vimeo
    • Amazon
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
    • Google

Christians Should Be Leading The Vaccine Safety Cause

God is the one with all power, authority, and dominion over this earth. Satan is a usurper, and we must put an end to his wiles. As Christians, it is our responsibility to enact righteousness and justice on His earth. Presently, the church is failing. We have handed over the reigns of civil and self government to the dominion of darkness — but Christ has transferred us into the Kingdom of His Son and has asked us to teach all nations to obey everything that He has commanded.

The two great commandments are love God and love your neighbor. 

What better way to love your neighbor than to warn them of the atrocities of vaccinations? Would God have us kill and harm some in order to save others? Because that is precisely what is happening in the name of vaccinations. No Christian leader can refute this unless they themselves are unaware of the dangers of vaccines. 

Yet Christian leaders and organizations are vocally supporting vaccinations, including Focus on the Family, Gospel Coalition, Creation Ministries International, and more. These are organizations that Christians respect. 

Either these Christian leaders don’t know that vaccines are harming people — or they have adopted the pagan practice of child sacrifice and are willing to inflict harm on some children to save others.

Have Vaccines Eradicated Childhood Disease?

When I share vaccine safety information, I inevitable hear someone say, “But polio…” or “What about small pox?”

Here’s what they are really asking: “Aren’t vaccines effective at eradicating childhood diseases?”

But the question of efficacy (i.e., are vaccines really saving some) has not even been addressed in this post. And it is an important topic that must be studied — not just accepted because someone says “vaccines are safe and effective.”

Effective for what?

Are vaccines responsible for eradicating disease in America and around the world?

The answer is out there.

A great place to start studying this topic is Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humpries.

Dissolving Illusions

Thank you for sticking with me until the end. I am excited to see what great things God will do if we will submit ourselves to his good ways — which do not include child sacrifice. 


Footnotes and References to Vaccine Safety Issues (back up copies available upon request)

(1) U.S. News and World Report (accessed 10/4/19)

(2) CDC (accessed 10/4/19)

(3)  Academic Pediatrics (accessed 10/4/19)

(4) National Institute of Health (accessed 10/8/19)

(5) Vaccine schedules for: 1973, 1983, 1994, 2019 (accessed or downloaded 10/4/19)

(6) Find and read all vaccine inserts; National Vaccine Injury Table put out by; Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety; ICAN White Paper on Vaccine Safety; CBS reports that the Vaccine Court paid a claim in connection with autism and vaccines. 

(7) Current list of ingredients in all vaccines according to the CDC (accessed 10/8/19) and a report by Corvelva of what ELSE has been found in vaccines (accessed 10/8/19)

(8) CoG for Life has put out this handy chart. But always check vaccine labels. WI-38 and MRC-5 are the most common fetal cell lines in childhood vaccines.

(9) ibid.

(10) (accessed 10/14/19)

(11) Mayo Clinic (accessed 10/9/19)

(12) Open Letter from Dr. Theresa Deisher

(13) Corvelva (accessed 10/14/19)

(14) ICAN (accessed 10/14/19)

(15) Please do not mistake my mention of these pharmaceuticals as an endorsement for prescription drugs. Reformed Health exists to teach God’s plan for healthy living.

(16) FDA (accessed 10/14/19)

(17) FDA (accessed 10/14/19)

(18) FDA (accessed 10/14/19)

(19) FDA Merck Vaccine Insert for hepatitis B vaccine (accessed 10/15/19)

(20) FDA GSK Vaccine Insert for Hepatitis B Vaccine

(21) ICAN Vaccine Safety White Paper — I strongly recommend you read this through (accessed 10/14/19)


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating Blood

12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating BloodPagan Roots of Eating Blood.

The practice of eating blood has its roots in ancient pagan societies and cultures. Barnes notes, “The use of blood was common among the Gentiles. They drank it often at their sacrifices, and in making covenants or compacts.” And according to Ellicott, dishes prepared with blood “were common in the cuisine both of Greeks and Romans” at the time of the writing of the New Testament.

Yet, God expressly forbade the eating of blood from early history.

Forbidden by God.

Genesis 9:4 set the stage for God’s prohibition for eating blood — because it contained the life of the flesh. This prohibition is further defined at Mount Sinai and reiterated by the Apostles and the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. As a result, the early church faithfully refrained from eating blood. Gill says the law “was attended to with much strictness by the primitive Christians, who seemed to have observed this advice in the form of a law, and thought it criminal to eat blood.”

Accordingly, Gill writes that the strict adherence to the law by the early church “would have involved a frequent withdrawal from social life, or a conspicuous singularity.”

Despite the abstention of the early Christians, the modern church has largely abandoned the prohibition against eating blood, wrongly filing it as “ceremonial.” Gill writes of this law, “in process of time it was neglected; and in Austin’s time abstinence from blood was derided, as a ridiculous notion.” Yet we have repeatedly shown that this law is not ceremonial and should be adhered to today. Barnes agrees, noting the law predates ceremony. Continue reading “12 Practical Ways to Avoid Eating Blood”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

The Truth About What Makes Meat Kosher

What Makes Meat Kosher

Why Kosher?

Kosher animal slaughter is an important issue for practicing Jews. They attribute direct revelation from God for their methods of killing animals for food. However, they maintain that the killing has no “ritual” value. According to, “There is no ritual involved…It is a cardinal tenet of the Jewish faith …divinely given to Moses at Mount Sinai.” These laws, they say are based on Genesis 9:3, which reads  “Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.”[1] But it is verse four in the Christian Bible which gives the details,  “Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.” 

We have demonstrated in the last several posts on this topic, that the prohibition in Genesis 9:4 predates the giving of the law at Sinai. We have made the case that the verse is still applicable today. And practicing Jews agree: it is “as binding and valued today as ever.” Continue reading “The Truth About What Makes Meat Kosher”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

What Exactly Is This Forbidden Strangled Meat?


What Exactly Is This Forbidden Strangled Meat?


We have been looking closer at 3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament. The last installment discussed why the admonition to abstain from strangled meat was not merely meant to placate the Jews.

We mentioned that commentators struggle with Acts 15:20, 29; and 21:25 because the prohibition against eating strangled meat (a seemingly ceremonial law) is side by side an obviously moral law (abstaining from sexual immorality).

In Was The Early Church Trying to Placate the Jews with This Dietary Law? we noted that many commentators assert this law was intended to avoid offense to the Jews. In addition, they maintain that the law was ceremonial and is therefore not binding today.

Yet, when we study the law more closely, we see several important truths:

  1. The law was given by “the Holy Spirit” in the New Testament era.
  2. It was practiced faithfully by the early church.
  3. The teaching was an “essential” part of the Christian practice.
  4. The law did not have its origin in the ceremonial law, but rather an older law.
  5. If the law was meant to placate, why not have the early Christians circumcised?

Read more here: Was The Early Church Trying to Placate the Jews with This Dietary Law?

Focusing in on Strangled Meat.

Now we are going to look closer at what is actually meant by “food that is strangled.” Before we begin, it is important to note that “food that is strangled” has a very close tie with the 3rd overlooked dietary law — to abstain from eating blood. Continue reading “What Exactly Is This Forbidden Strangled Meat?”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

This page may contain affiliate links. Please refer to our affiliate policy.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Was The Early Church Trying to Placate the Jews with This Dietary Law?

Was the Early Church Trying to Placate The Jews with this dietary law?

We have been looking closer at 3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament. The last installment discussed why the admonition to abstain from food that is strangled may be moral in nature, not ceremonial.

We mentioned that commentators struggle with Acts 15:20, 29; and 21:25 because the prohibition against eating strangled meat (a seemingly ceremonial law) is side by side an obviously moral law (abstaining from sexual immorality).

We gave 3 Reasons this Dietary Law may Be Moral, Not Ceremonial. Here is a quick summary:

  1. If the law was merely ceremonial, why command it when the ceremonial law was fulfilled in Christ?
  2. The law has moral implications: since God is the owner of animals, we are obligated to treat them as He commands.
  3. The law is not rooted in the ceremonial law, but in a deeper law that was established before the law of Moses.

Today we will answer the question: Was the Early Church Trying to Placate the Jews with this Dietary Law?

Commentators Don’t Want to Offend.

We noted before that this is the position of many commentators. They claim that the sole purpose of this dietary law was to appease the Jews so they would not be offended at the eating of food that was forbidden by their Jewish law.

Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers states of this restriction: “Here the moral element falls entirely into the background, and the prohibition has simply the character of a concordat to avoid offence.”

Matthew Henry writes:

They were counselled to abstain from things strangled, and from eating blood; this was forbidden by the law of Moses, and also here, from reverence to the blood of the sacrifices, which being then still offered, it would needlessly grieve the Jewish converts, and further prejudice the unconverted Jews. But as the reason has long ceased, we are left free in this, as in the like matters.

Based on these commentaries and the practice of the modern church, most Christians treat this dietary law as non-binding today. The widely held position is that the laws were only put into place temporarily in the early church to avoid offending the Jewish believers.

Are the Commentators Correct?

But is this the best way to understand these dietary laws?  Continue reading “Was The Early Church Trying to Placate the Jews with This Dietary Law?”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

3 Reasons This Law May Be Moral

3 Reasons This Dietary Law May Be Moral and Not Ceremonial

3 Reasons This Law May Be MoralWe have been looking closer at 3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament. The last installment introduced the admonition to abstain from food that is strangled: What Does It Mean to Abstain from Food that Is Strangled?

We noted that commentators struggle with Acts 15:20, 29; and 21:25 because the prohibition against eating strangled meat (a seemingly ceremonial law) is side by side an obviously moral law (abstaining from sexual immorality).

This led us to ask some questions, which we will begin to answer.

The question we will address today is whether or not the admonition to abstain from strangled meat was indeed a ceremonial law — which is the position of many commentators. In fact, they say the law is no longer binding on the Christian church.

A strong case can be made, however, that it is not a ceremonial law at all. I will give three lines of argument to support this claim.

#1 If Ceremonial, Why Command It?

When Moses recorded God’s law, there were ceremonial portions and moral portions. The moral law consisted of the Ten Commandments as well as case laws expounding the Ten. Men for centuries have been debating which of these case laws are moral and which are ceremonial.

All ceremonial laws have their foundation in the Tabernacle and Temple worship instituted at Mount Sinai under the leadership of Moses. These ceremonial laws pointed to Christ who would be the final sacrifice. When He gave Himself up as that sacrifice, the sacrificial system ended spiritually. Physically it ended at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD — never to be re-instituted. Continue reading “3 Reasons This Dietary Law May Be Moral and Not Ceremonial”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

What Does it Mean to Abstain from Food that Is Strangled?

What Does It Mean to Abstain from Food that Is Strangled?

What Does it Mean to Abstain from Food that Is Strangled?Recently we shared 3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament. The Council of Jerusalem meted out several dietary restrictions that are little discussed today. These restrictions can be found in Acts 15:20 and repeated in Acts 15:29 and 21:25:

  1. New converts were to abstain from eating food contaminated by idols (the Apostle Paul teaches more about this issue in 1 Corinthians 8-10)
  2. They were to not eat meat that was killed by strangulation or smothering (it was to be killed by bleeding out)
  3. They were to abstain from eating blood

In a previous post, I dealt with food sacrificed to idols: What Does It Mean To Abstain From Food Sacrificed to Idols?

Now, we will discuss the topic of abstaining from food that is strangled. There is some controversy surrounding this issue. Many commentators say that these dietary laws have passed away along with the Old Testament dietary laws. These laws, they say, were instituted for a period of time in the early church to avoid Continue reading “What Does It Mean to Abstain from Food that Is Strangled?”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

Food Sacrificed to Idols

What Does It Mean to Abstain From Food Sacrificed to Idols?

Food Sacrificed to Idols

Recently we shared 3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament. At the Council of Jerusalem several dietary restrictions were discussed. These restrictions can be found in Acts 15:20 and repeated in Acts 15:29 and 21:25:

  1. New converts were to abstain from eating food contaminated by idols (the Apostle Paul teaches more about this issue in 1 Corinthians 8-10)
  2. They were to not eat meat that was killed by strangulation or smothering (it was to be killed by bleeding out)
  3. They were to abstain from eating blood

In the previous post, I did not share the implications of these restrictions. Rather I demonstrated that God is concerned with food. He was concerned with food at creation and He was concerned with food at the close of the book of Revelation. And He was concerned with food everywhere in between — from lid to lid.

Now, at the request of my readers, I will share more specific applications concerning these three dietary laws in the New Testament. Today I will discuss the topic of abstaining from food sacrificed to idols. Continue reading “What Does It Mean to Abstain From Food Sacrificed to Idols?”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

3 Dietary Laws in the New Testament

3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament

3 Dietary Laws in the New TestamentBarbecue.

Recently the church I was attending celebrated Labor Day with “barbecue” in the park. If you are not from the south, you may not know what “barbecue” really is. I grew up in California and “barbecue” was anything that you grilled on the outdoor grill that we called a barbecue. We regularly had barbecued chicken, tri-tip, steaks, and vegetables.

In the south, barbecue has no generic value — it means ONE thing. Pork.

Not all Barbecue is Barbecue.

Now, depending on what part of the southern country you live, barbecue might be seasoned differently. I learned this from a pastor’s wife in southern Virginia who complained about the barbecue seasoning in North Carolina. To her it just wasn’t barbecue because it had a vinegary flavor — even though it was the accepted flavor of the region.

Many Christians rejoice over their freedom to eat pork, shrimp, and lobster — foods that were expressly forbidden in the Old Testament. In fact, from the pulpit, the Labor Day “barbecue” in the park was promoted as a way to Continue reading “3 Overlooked Dietary Laws in the New Testament”


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved