Survey of Fasting in the Bible

openbibleA Biblical Survey of Fasting

Fasting is an important and prevalent practice in the Bible. It was both expected and voluntary. At times it is commanded by God; at times it is a means of presenting supplication to God; at times it was a response to a difficult situation; at times it was a means to draw near to God in repentance.

This survey of fasting in the Bible is meant only to demonstrate the reasons and occasions it was practiced. There is little indication in the Bible that fasting has health benefits, any more than there are indications in the Bible that the practice of circumcision on the eighth day had health benefits. Yet, it did. And so does fasting. But for now, let’s examine the testimony of God’s Word concerning fasting. This is a survey and will not be exhaustive. Read the verses for greater insight.

Occasions for Fasting

The Fasting of Nations or People Groups

The Fasting of Individuals

Fasting in the Church

  • Acts 13:2, 3 – The Church leadership is involved in prayer and fasting when men are sent out for ministry .
  • Acts 14:23 – Fasting occurs when men are set apart for ministry.
  • Luke. 5:33-35  When the Bridegroom, Christ, is taken away, the Church will fast.

Effects and Benefits of Fasting

Length of Fasting

The length of fasting in Scripture varies from a partial day at the minimum to 40 days maximum.

In summary, fasting throughout Scripture has been connected with deep hurt, sorrow, humility, God’s judgment, confession of sin, prayer, in preparation for danger and testing, by individuals, by nations, for part of a day, a whole day, or up to 40 days. Leadership in the church has fasted for the sending out of missionaries and for setting apart elders for service. Fasting is for God, and God will reward those who do it in the proper way. From Scripture we also understood that it is voluntary and not explicitly commanded and yet God assumes that God’s people will fast from time to time as the occasion dictates.

Fasting is necessary for our spiritual health to help us focus on our Lord through prayer in special times of real need. We as a people need to consider seriously putting aside food from time to time, skipping a meal or meals, and devoting and focusing our minds on what our Lord would have us to do and be. The Lord assumes we will and when we do we will be blessed for having done so – spiritually and physically.

As with the other areas we have talked about, there are physical benefits inherent in fasting which the Scriptures do not discuss. So now I would like to turn our attention and discuss those physical blessings and how fasting helps to increase our blood quality, circulation, and cleansing. If we fast on a regular basis it will do wonders in increasing our spiritual and physical health.

Next: Principle #2: Healthy Blood Through Fasting: Preparing the Mind for the Fast

Return To: Biblical Health Study


Reformed Health exists so you can take control of your own health and be all that God has designed you to be. The information shared on Reformed Health is the sole opinion of the author and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. None or our claims have been evaluated by the FDA or any other government organization. We are not medical doctors, nor do we have any medical doctors on staff. If you are having a health emergency, please call 911, contact your doctor, or visit a local emergency room. Always consult your doctor before engaging in any new exercise regime.

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Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.


© 2017 Mischelle Sandowich
All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Survey of Fasting in the Bible

  1. Thank you for your work on presenting this important topic in such a format.

    Blessings, Shirley

    Sent from my iPhone


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